25 februari 2008

Ny databas: Folke Bernadottesamlingarna

Folke Bernadotteakademin bedriver sedan 2006 ett projekt som digitaliserar dokumentation från Sveriges deltagande i internationella fredsinsatser. Samtliga svenska fredsinsatser sedan 1956 inkluderas och materialet är tillgängligt kostnadsfritt i Folke Bernadottesamlingarna. Digitaliseringsarbetet planeras att vara avslutat under hösten 2009, och digitaliserat material kommer fortlöpande att inkluderas i samlingarna.

OBS! Databasen nås endast på campus.

Ny databas: Cairn

Fransk artikeldatabas. 150 tidskrifter inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. Vissa artiklar fritt tillgängliga i fulltext.

Ny databas: Persée

Fransk artikeldatabas. Innehåller backfiles från ansedda vetenskapliga tidskrifter inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.

21 februari 2008

Test: The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2003

The complete facsimile run of The Economist from 1843 to 2000 with editorial, advertising and tabular matter fully searchable.

What is covered in EHA?
* Cover to cover from 1843 to 2000
* News, analysis, commentary, editorials, statistics, demographics, letters to the editor, obituaries, and historical photographs
* Special surveys and supplements on Countries and Industries
* Renowned sections including 'Science and Technology'
* Classified and display advertising profiling major companies, job opportunities etc

* Detailed topic search, and hitterm highlighting
* Searchable 'covers gallery'
* Searchable financial data
* Key economic indicators post- 1983 are available in exportable format

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 28 mars 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

Nya Springer-titlar 2008

Följande länk leder till en förteckning över alla nya tidskrifter i databasen Springer Link 2008:


Nyheter från Project Muse

Browser search plugin
Project MUSE now offers a search plugin for your web browser. The MUSE search plugin adds Project MUSE to the list of search engines that are available in the search box in the upper right corner on your browser. When you add the Project MUSE search plugin, you may search MUSE any time your browser is open regardless of the web page you are viewing.

The Project MUSE search plugin can be added to any browser that supports Sherlock and OpenSearch Search Engine Plugins. Installation is easy and takes just a couple of seconds. To read about and install the Project MUSE search plugin, please go to http://muse.jhu.edu/content/ml/about/librarians/search_plugin.html

RSS Feeds
MUSE added a new feed: Upcoming Journals for 2008. This feed provides a list of all titles confirmed to join MUSE in 2008 with subsequent notification when each of the new titles first becomes available online. Recommend this feed to faculty and grad students who may want immediate notification when a particular title becomes available online in MUSE.

Read about and subscribe to MUSE RSS feeds at the MUSE RSS Syndication page: http://feeds.muse.jhu.edu/

10,000 links with MLA
The electronic version of the MLA International Bibliography now links to MUSE. Citations listed in the MLA International Bibliography now link to MUSE articles included in the approximately 200 MUSE journals covered by the Bibliography. The links include current as well as previous years' articles with over 10,000 links to MUSE articles created.

The linking between MLA and Project MUSE streamlines access to articles in MUSE from citations listed in the electronic version of the MLA International Bibliography, regardless of the platform used to access the Bibliography. For MUSE subscribers, the linking provides seamless access to the full text articles in MUSE from citations in the electronic International Bibliography.

2008 Title Information
For 2008, the following titles are confirmed for addition to the Standard Collection.

American Literary Realism

Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Classical World
The Eighteenth Century
ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance
Journal of Film and Video
Joyce Studies Annual (to be reactivated in 2008)
Renaissance Quarterly
The Scottish Historical Review
WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly

(källa: Muse e-news - Project MUSE e-Newsletter, Issue 3 - November 2007)

18 februari 2008

Test: PsycEXTRA

PsycEXTRA is a grey literature database. Grey literature is material written for professionals and disseminated outside of peer-reviewed journals. Documents include newsletters, magazines, newspapers, technical and annual reports, government reports, consumer brochures, and more.

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 13 mars 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

15 februari 2008

Test: Oxford Islamic Studies Online

The full text of Oxford's books and encyclopedias in Islamic Studies, including the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World (6 volumes, 2008), the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, and The Islamic World: Past and Present.

  • 2 versions of the Qur'an, complete with invaluable direct links to A Concordance of the Qur'an
  • 150 primary source documents plus an
  • extensive range of maps, charts and timelines
  • editorially-selected links to other websites make follow up research quick
  • learning resources are available to provide support for teachers

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 13 mars 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

8 februari 2008

Ny databas: International Law in Domestic Courts (ILDC)

ILDC covers the most important international law issues being decided in domestic courts around the world today. With legal experts in the field reporting on cases from over sixty-five jurisdictions, this online service highlights the full range of jurisprudence around the globe in a format that makes it easy to pinpoint specific legal issues and to compare how these issues have been dealt with in different jurisdictions.

Test: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences

"Spanning the entire spectrum of life sciences, The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS) features around 5,000 specially commissioned and peer-reviewed articles. The articles within ELS are written by leaders in the field to provide comprehensive and authoritative coverage of this subject area and are aimed at researchers, students and teachers alike. "

Biblioteket har en provperiod på uppslagsverket fram till 17 april 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

Test: New York Times via Proquest

Biblioteket har en testprenumeration på New York Times fram till 2008-02-28 via databasen Proquest Historical Newspapers.

Lämna gärna kommentar på testet.

Arbline flyttas till Arbetsmiljöhögskolan

Stockholms universitet har tecknat avtal med Arbetsmiljöhögskolan vid Lunds universitet för att överta driften av Arbline.

Läs mer

Ny databas: Brages pressarkiv

Finskt pressregister som omfattar ca 150.000 referenser ur finlandssvenska dagstidningar, bl.a. Hufvudstadsbladet och Vasabladet.

Ny databas: Global Grant

Databas med information om stiftelser, fonder och andra bidragsgivare från hela världen.

Ny databas: Lexis Nexis Academic

More than 5,800 full-text sources, including foreign and U.S. newspapers
(among them The New York Times), magazines and trade journals, broadcast transcripts,
company financial information, industry and market news, federal and state case law, law reviews, medical news and abstracts, state and country profiles, and more.

LexisNexis Academic offer information focused on the research
needs of students majoring in liberal arts, communications, journalism, business law,
political science, economics, pre-law and marketing, among other disciplines.

The LexisNexis Academic service offers a comprehensive set of legal content, with
quality news and business content, reference materials, the Shepard’s® Citation Service,
and several search features such as searching and sorting results by relevance.

Ny databas: Scopus

Scopus är en abstract- och citeringsdatabas med bred täckning inom naturvetenskap, teknik, medicin och samhällsvetenskap.

Scopus innehåller omkring:

* 15.000 "peer reviewed" tidskrifter från fler än 4.000 internationella förlag
* 33 miljoner abstracts
* 1000 Open Access-tidskrifter
* 386 miljoner webbkällor inklusive 21 miljoner patent

Mer information

7 februari 2008

Ny databas: CINAHL

CINAHL provides indexing for over 2,900 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains more than 1,000,000 records dating back to 1981. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association, CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.

Utökad tidskriftslista

Nu har e-tidskriftslistan på webbplatsen utökats med information om de tryckta tidskrifter som finns i bibliotekets samlingar. Oavsett om tidskriften finns som elektronisk resurs eller i tryckt form finns den numera i e-tidskriftslistan.