TS webbtjänst har uppdaterat gränssnittet på tjänsten som erbjuder information om tryckta och digitala medier. Databasen innehåller all den information som finns i TS tryckta publikationer, dvs. Svensk Annonstaxa, Svensk Reklamtaxa, TS-boken och Dagspressens Detaljspridning.
25 november 2008
TS Webbtjänst i nytt gränssnitt
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 16:05 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, nyheter, samhällsvetenskap
SU varnar för försök att få tag i opublicerat forskningsmaterial
Avdelningen för It och Media på Stockholms universitet har fått en varning via SUNET-Cert om att ett antal universitet den senaste månaden fått en falsk inbjudan att skicka in forskningsmaterial för publicering. I de falska inbjudningarna har ett existerande förlag använts som lockbete för att få tag på opublicerat forskningmaterial och resultat.
Avsändaradressen i de uppmärksammade fallen ser ut som följande:
elsevierpublications49@gmail.com, elsevierpublications45@gmail.com,
elsevierpublications54@gmail.com etc. Den falska svarsadressen som anges är: elsevierjournals@live.co.uk
E-brevet som har skickats ut ser ut så här:
On behalf of all the Editors-in-chief of Elsevier Journals, we wish to communicate to you that we are currently accepting manuscripts in all Fields of human Endeavour. authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting recent developments in their fields. Papers submitted will be sorted out and published in any of our numerous journals that best fits. This is a special publication procedure which published works will be discussed at seminars (organized by Elsevier) at strategic cities all over the world. Please maximize this opportunity to showcase your research work to the world.
The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original research not published nor currently under review by other journals. Parallel submissions will not be accepted. Our goal is to inform authors about their paper(s) within one week of receipt. All submitted papers, if relevant to the theme and objectives of the
journal, will go through an external peer-review process. Submissions should include an abstract, 5-10 key words, the e-mail address of the corresponding author. The paper Length should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages including figures and references on 8.5 by 11 inch paper using at least 11 point font. Authors should select a category designation for their manuscripts (article, short communication,review, etc.).
Papers should be submitted electronically via email in Microsoft Word
or PDF attachments; and should Include a cover sheet containing
corresponding Author's name, Paper Title, affiliation, mailing address, phone, fax
number, email address etc. Would-be authors should send their manuscript to: elsevierjournals@live.co.uk
Kind Regards,
Rex Hammond (Prof.)
PS: Pls. show interest by mailing elsevierjournals@live.co.uk if your Manuscript is not ready but will be ready soon.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 14:16 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: nyheter
24 november 2008
Nyheter i Karnov
Nytt inför 2009 är att Karnov kommer att innehålla utökat material som tidigare låg i tillvalspaketet samt Karnov Nyheter. I och med att Karnov Nyheter inkluderas, tillkommer också en mängd nytt innehåll som SOU, avgöranden från Skatterättsnämnden, Patentbesvärsrätten, Tingsrätterna, Länsrätterna, Europadomstolen m m.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 14:58 0 kommentarer
19 november 2008
Free trial access to the complete Royal Society Digital Journal Archive
The Stockholm University Library already has a limited subscription to the Royal Society Digital Archive but we now have a trial subscription that gives us access to the entire database, containing every paper every published in the Royal Society's journals dating back to 1665.
This trial subscription will last until February 1, 2009, after which we will go back to the limited subscription we had before.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 10:15 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, e-tidskrifter, testdatabaser
18 november 2008
No renewal of PAIS and ASSIA in 2009
The Stockholm University Library's subscription to the databases Public Affairs International Service (PAIS) and Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA) will not be renewed for 2009. The free subscription that we have had to these databases is ending this year and as of now there are no plans for renewal.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 09:37 0 kommentarer
14 november 2008
Driftavbrott ScienceDirect och Scopus 15 nov.
ScienceDirect and Scopus will be unavailable from 12.00 until 21.00 on Saturday, 15 November due to scheduled maintenance
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 11:38 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, driftsinformation
10 november 2008
Academia.edu - social networking for researchers
Academia.edu is a new social networking site created by some researchers from Stanford and Oxford. It's worth a visit if you are a researcher interested in making connections with colleagues across the world. Visitors to the site can add their own profiles and the profiles are connected to each other by a user friendly tree diagram. Over 14.000 researchers have already created a profile, some noteable examples: Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking and Noam Chomsky.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 13:54 0 kommentarer