Välkommen till en demonstration den 3 februari av databasen Early English Books Online (EEBO) som är en ny resurs på biblioteket. EEBO innehåller faksimilupplagor av det stora flertalet böcker tryckta i England, Irland, Skottland, Wales och Brittiska Nordamerika och övriga världen på engelska under perioden 1473-1700. Samlingen innehåller för närvarande 100.000 böcker. Demonstrationen inkluderar även en visning av CSA Illumina.
Mer information och länk till anmälningsformuläret hittar ni här:
26 januari 2009
Demo av Early English Books Online & CSA Illumina
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 11:02 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databasdemonstrationer
Test: Keesing's World News Archive
Keesing’s World News Archive is a web-based database with more than 95,000 articles, the first from 1931-87 as Keesing’s Contemporary Archives, and then as Keesing’s Record of World Events from 1987 to the present. Articles are added at the rate of about 150 articles per month, providing a detailed summary of global news. Keesing's was founded in 1931 with the intention of creating a lasting archive of articles on the world's political, social, and economic events. The library has a test period until February 25th.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 10:58 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: testdatabaser
23 januari 2009
New journals from Institute of Physics (IoP)
Stockholm University Library has a new subscription to a large number of journals from IoP. The journals are available via the alfabetical list on our website:
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 12:37 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: e-tidskrifter, naturvetenskap, nya e-resurser
Test: Law, Music och Social work collection Oxford Scholarship Online
Oxford University Press lanserar tre nya ämnespaket, Law, Music och Social work, i Oxford Scholarship Online. Biblioteket har tillgång till dessa som en testprenumeration t o m 20 feb. 2009.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 11:41 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: e-böcker, humaniora, juridik, samhällsvetenskap, testdatabaser
Authors workshop from Emerald on Feb 9
A representative from the academic publisher Emerald is coming to "Stora Växthuset" in the main library for a presentation on academic publishing. Her presentation will cover
- How to get published in the right journal
- What editors and reviewers are looking for
- ISI rankings of journals
- Key questions that make or break your paper
- How to peer review your own work
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 09:35 0 kommentarer
Ebrary gets a new interface
Our largest collection of e-books, Ebrary, has a completely new interface now. One big change is that you can view books without having to download the ebrary reader plug-in. However the plug-in is still needed if you want to highlight text or save your notes within the book. Ebrary has also provided us with this description of new features available in the new interface.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 07:51 0 kommentarer
22 januari 2009
New database: Abbreviations Online
Abbreviations online is a database dealing with medieval Latin and is designed for use in both learning and teaching medieval Latin paleography. Users can look up all the different abbreviations for a given word.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 15:52 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, humaniora, nya e-resurser
New database: vLex Global
vLex Global is a broad legal database covering 90 countries. The database contains over 20 million documents including case law, government documents, books, journals and more. The database producer is based in Spain and works with publishers and law libraries around the world. Students and researchers can write to ejouren@sub.su.se to ask for the username and password to vLex.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 11:29 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, juridik, nya e-resurser
21 januari 2009
Digitala Kartbiblioteket även utanför campus
Fr o m vecka v 4 2009 kan användarna av Digitala Kartbiblioteket använda tjänsten utanför universitetet/högskolans nät. Man behöver numera inte gå via en proxy.
Obs! Däremot måste all registrering av nya abonnemang och uppdatering av abonnemang göras när man är inloggad på resp universitetet/högskolas nätverk. För övrigt fungerar tjänsten som tidigare. Leverensen sker via länk i mailet där adressen måste vara en godkänd domänadress som är anmäld till Metria. Varje användare har månadskvot som tidigare."
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 16:23 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, naturvetenskap, samhällsvetenskap
14 januari 2009
Free online access to Edinburgh University Press
Edinburgh University Press offers free online access to all journals via EUP Journals Online at http://www.eupjournals.com/ in January and February 2009.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 10:12 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: e-tidskrifter, ämnesövergripande
13 januari 2009
New database: Oxford Art Online
A new gateway through which users can access Oxford's premier art content.
Oxford Art Online contains Grove Art Online, the Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms.
Search separately or all four resources at once. Oxford Art Online gives access to more than 23,000 subject entries, 21,000 biographies, 500,000 bibliographic citations, 40,000 image links and 5,000 images contained within Grove Art Online.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 12:37 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, humaniora, nya e-resurser, nyheter, uppslagsverk
7 januari 2009
New database: Early English Books Online (EEBO)
The library now has access to Early English Books Online.
EEBO contains digital page images of virtually every english language work printed from 1473-1700 - from the first book printed in English by William Caxton, through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare and the tumult of the English Civil War. The collection contains about 100,000 of over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 07:15 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, humaniora, nya e-resurser
5 januari 2009
New database: International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations
The library has access to a new online resource from Kluwer, the International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations.
This is online version of the 36 -volume looseleaf publication. It features:
• Country overviews of over 60 countries
• English translations of the important labour and industrial relations laws of over 20 nations
• Covers individual as well as collective labour relations
• Covers major international bodies such as NAFTA and OECD
• Searchable pdfs
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 09:19 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, juridik, nya e-resurser