29 maj 2009

New trials: Expert Reviews and Future Medicine

Stockholm University Library has a trial to two journal collections until July 31st 2009:

  • The Expert Reviews journal collection contains 20 journals in healthcare and medicine.

  • The Future Medicine journal collection contains 20 journals in molecular medicine and clinical practice.


25 maj 2009

Informaworld unavailable 27th of May

Informaworld will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance on Wednesday 27th May from 5:00 am - 9:00 am GMT.

20 maj 2009

New trial: Springer eBooks

Stockholm University Library has a test until 31st of October for more than 13.000 Springer eBooks with copyright years 2005-2008, as well as 125 eReference works. The following subjects are included:

Architecture and Design
Behavioral Science
Biomedical and Life Sciences
Business and Economics
Chemistry and Materials Science
Computer Science (including the Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Earth and Environmental Science
Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
Mathematics and Statistics
Physics and Astronomy
Professional Computing and Web Design

Visit http://www.springerlink.com/books/ for more information, or search them in the library catalogue http://www.sub.su.se/opac/simplesearch.aspx

13 maj 2009

Scopus unavailable due to maintenance

To support scheduled maintenance, Scopus will be unavailable on Saturday, May 16th for approximately 9.5 hours starting at 12:00 GMT.

12 maj 2009

Strömavbrott natten mellan 14-15 maj

Pga servicearbete i ställverk kommer strömmen i biblioteket att vara avstängd torsdag 14/5 23.00 - fredag 15/5 05.00.
Under denna tid ligger bibliotekets system nere och påverkar bl. a. distansåtkomst till e-resurserna.
Ev. frågor kan skickas till ejouren@sub.su.se

8 maj 2009

Ny databas: Svenskt översättarlexikon

I Svenskt översättarlexikon synliggörs svenska översättare med biografier, porträtt och verkförteckningar.
Den nya databasen som forfarande är under uppbyggnad, har utvecklats på Södertörns högskolebibliotek under medverkan av litteraturvetare, språkhistoriker, översättare och kritiker.
Lexikonet utvidgas kontinuerligt med nya artiklar. I första omgången presenteras avlidna svenska och finlandssvenska översättare.

6 maj 2009

Test: Political Science Complete and Publishing Opportunities Database

Political Science Complete (PSC) provides indexing and abstracts for more than 1,900 titles and full text for more than 500 publications It covers law and legislation, comparative politics, political theory, international relations, humanitarian issues and non-governmental organizations.

Publishing Opportunities Database provides an extensive listing of opportunities from three distinct sources, for researchers interested in presenting and publishing their research papers: Journal Call for Papers records index, Conference Call for Papers, and Special Issue Call for Papers.

The library has test until the 31 May 2009

Free online access to Palgrave Macmillan journals during May

Palgrave Macmillan publish 60 scholarly journals across the core disciplines of the humanities, the social sciences and business and management.
Throughout May 2009 all online access is free.


New linguistic tool for authors: SpringerExemplar.com

Springer, in partnership with the Centre for Biomedical and Health Linguistics, has launched the website SpringerExemplar.com. It is a free linguistic tool designed to support the publishing process for authors, editors and the scientific community in general.

The tool allows researchers to see how a particular term or phrase is used in peer-reviewed, published literature. The user searches for a specific term, which retrieves a list of results of where and how the keyword is used in published Springer content. It also displays lists of different categories: the year the article was published, the top subject areas in which the term is used, the highest concentration of articles by country, and the name of the journal where the keyword is used most. By clicking on the keyword itself, the user is linked directly to the journal article where the word is located.


RefWorks launches mobile phone interface

RefWorks launches RefMobile, a new interface that enables students and researchers to use the RefWorks web-based research management service from anywhere, via web-enabled mobile phones, smart phones, and personal data assistants (PDAs).
The RefMobile interface gives users immediate access to the most commonly used RefWorks functions, including searching their entire RefWorks databases, viewing references by folders, adding and removing references from folders, creating new folders, and adding comments to Notes fields. Users can also efficiently import new references to their RefWorks account using the new SmartAdd feature.

Follow the link below to learn more:

Cambridge Journals: new features

  • Image Downloads - save figures and tables from full-text journal articles
  • Purchase Issues - the option to purchase entire electronic issues has now been added to CJO for selected journals
  • Open Access Icon - see all Open Access papers in a journal - click on the OA icon on a journal home page to see a list of all articles provided as open access

Visit the following page to learn more: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/stream?pageId=3716

5 maj 2009

Test: Testaments to the Holocaust

Documents and Rare Printed Materials from the Wiener Library, London This digital resource offers the unique resources of the World’s oldest Holocaust museum. Alfred Wiener fled Germany in 1933 and established his collection in London. The collection offers fully searchable personal accounts of life in Nazi Germany, along with photographs, propaganda materials such as school text books, limited circulation publications and rare serials in a uniquely flexible format, enabling detailed research into the domestic policies of Nazi Germany, Jewish life in Germany from 1933 to after the war, propaganda, life in the concentration camps, in hiding, emigration and refugee life.

The library has a test until the 31 May 2009.


Geobase and GeoRef

There are new support materials for Geobase and GeoRef at Engineering Village. View the latest training schedules, webinars, product information and more to help keep your EV skills sharp.
You can also view answers to commonly-asked questions from EV's Ask An Expert feature. Use this bulletin board to post your comments, feedback, and questions that you want answered.
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