29 juni 2009

New database: IEL Civil Procedure from Kluwer Law

The Civil Procedure volumes of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws provide descriptions and analysis of numerous domestic systems. National monographs describe the main features of each country’s judicial organization, the rules governing the jurisdiction of the courts, the actual court proceedings, the rules of evidence, the principles governing preliminary seizure and the enforcement of judgments, and some elements of national arbitration.

Visit: http://www.sub.su.se/startasok/databaser.aspx

26 juni 2009

New trial: e-Book collections in International Law & Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

The two e-book collections from Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Brill) cover the fields of international law & human rights and humanitarian law:

Public International Law – Law of the Sea – International Trade Law – International Labour Law – Environmental Law – European Law – International Relations – International Organizations – Terrorism – Legal History – Islamic Law

Human Rights – Refugee Law – Immigration Law – Health Law – Children’s Rights – Minority and Group Rights – Humanitarian Law – International Criminal Law

To browse content, visit http://nijhoff-test1.nijhoff.brill.semcs.net/uid=3094/public_home

Stockholm University Library has a trial until the 24th of July.

23 juni 2009

Faceted Searching to be added to JSTOR

JSTOR will introduce a new "faceted search" feature in early July. The faceted search will offer a number of different options to expand and refine search results. Faceted searching and search results will allow you to visualize how the returned articles are distributed among categories, or "facets." For instance, with faceted search you can see how many of your results are in each discipline, how many are book reviews or full-length articles, and how many articles contain images, among other options. You'll be able to modify your search results by choosing specific facets, and all search results pages will now incorporate the facets sidebar to make modifications easier.


Planerat avbrott DiVA onsdag den 1/7 kl 09.00

På onsdag den första juli kommer flera av DiVAs servrar flyttas till en ny serverhall. Under flytten kommer hela DiVA att vara nere. Flytten beräknas att ta 6 timmar och servrarna kommer åter att vara uppe runt kl. 15.00.

Nya moduler i Zeteo

Sedan årsskiftet finns följande nya moduler i Zeteo: Hembud, förköp, samtycke, Internationell arvs- och bodelningsrätt, Kapitalbrist i aktiebolag, Personuppgiftslagen, Rättshjälpslagen, Stiftelselagen, Utsökningsbalken, Ärvdabalken del I, Bryssel I-förordningen jämte Bryssel-och Luganokonventionerna, Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning, BAS-kontoplan och UFB 6. Dessutom kommer Nya medborgarskapslagen och Svensk Juristtidning (fr.o.m. 1990 och framåt) finnas tillgängliga inom kort.


18 juni 2009

Trial: bX Recommender Service

Stockholm University Library has a trial for the new service bX, which generates recommendations based on article usage. bX will recommend scholarly articles within the same subject retrieved by other researchers when searching article databases where the SFX icon is active.

The library has a trial until 3rd of July.

17 juni 2009

ScienceDirect and Scopus unavailable due to maintenance

ScienceDirect and Scopus will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance for approximately 16 hours from 14:00 Saturday, 20 June to 06:00 Sunday, 21 June

16 juni 2009

Scopus Expands Arts & Humanities Coverage

Scopus has almost doubled Arts & Humanities coverage with the addition of nearly 1,450 new titles. You will benefit from broader access to approximately 3,500 high-quality, international A&H journals dating back to 2002 in a variety of subject areas including

  • Education
  • History
  • Developmental & Educational and Social Psychology
  • Literature and Literature Theory
  • Architecture, Design

12 juni 2009

Driftstörning publiceringssystemet DiVA

Fredagen den 12 maj kl.22:00-24:00 installeras DiVA 1.4. Flera förändringar har gjorts i sökmodulen vilket kräver omindexering av alla poster. Omindexeringen som tar ett par dagar kan leda till vissa störningar i form av konstiga sökresultat och sorteringar.

11 juni 2009

Arkivet till tidskriften Theoria

Hela arkivet till tidskriften Theoria finns nu tillgängligt via bibliotekets e-tidskriftslista.


9 juni 2009

The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law

The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law has now been updated with an additional 125 new articles, taking the total number to almost 850.

4 juni 2009

Datastream - statistikdatabas med finansiella data

Datastream finns nu installerat på en dator på Stockholms universitetsbibliotek. För studenter på företagsekonomiska institutionen finns även Datastream tillgängligt i en datorsal. Vid frågor kontakta ejouren@sub.su.se.