A new online open access collection of all World Development Reports since 1978 was launched this week by the WorldBank. Complete World Development Report Online, which allows users to easily access and search across these World Bank annual flagship publications, is free and open to the public and may be accessed at http://wdronline.worldbank.org/
24 november 2010
The World Bank Launches a New, Open Access, Digital Collection
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 12:02 0 kommentarer
23 november 2010
Oxford Reference Online and the Oxford Digital Reference Shelf
Due to essential maintenance there may be some disruption to access to Oxford Reference Online and the Oxford Digital Reference Shelf titles for a period 1 hour on Wednesday 24th November at 8.00 GMT.
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 16:19 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: driftsinformation
25 samt 29 november
På torsdag och måndag har vi utbildning för personalen här på SUB. Detta betyder att det inte finns personal tillgänglig på biblioteket för att bistå låntagare med hjälp som t.ex fjärrlån, hjälp att söka rätt på böcker, etc.
E-jouren har dock öppet precis som vanligt!
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 11:51 0 kommentarer
19 november 2010
New from Elsevier: SciVerse Applications
* Applications that help researchers to collaborate, search, manage and analyze information
* Forum for collaboration with developers on ideas for new applications
* Access to ScienceDirect and Scopus APIs for developing your own applications
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 09:12 0 kommentarer
18 november 2010
New: Emerald E-books archive
Stockholm University Library now has access to two archives of e-books from Emerald:
Emerald Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Collection contains over 550 volumes from over 70 book series titles
View a list of the series titles included in Business, Management and Economics collection
Emerald Social Sciences eBook Series Collection contains 240 volumes from over 35 book series titles in politics, psychology, sociology, health care and education.
View a list of the series titles included in the Social Sciences collection
Comments and feedback can be sent to: ejouren@sub.su.se
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 09:20 0 kommentarer
12 november 2010
New trial: The Gerritsen Collection of Aletta H. Jacobs
The database is a cross-cultural resource for information on women's history. It spans more than four centuries and 15 languages and includes over two million pages in full image.
Stockholm University Library has a trial until 11th of December 2010.
Comments and feedback can be sent to ejouren@sub.su.se
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 11:49 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: testdatabaser
9 november 2010
Underhåll av länkserver 9 november kl. 18-19
Tidskriftslistan och fulltextlänkningen till artiklar m.m. kommer ligga nere ca en timme på tisdagskvällen.
Under denna tid är fulltextlänkningen till artiklar och e-böcker via bibliotekskatalogen Substansen, Libris, Google Scholar etc inte tillgänglig. Däremot fungerar databasernas egna fulltextlänkar.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 14:13 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: driftsinformation, e-tidskrifter
Trial: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (Full Text)
Stockholm University library is testing full text access to "ProQuest Dissertations & Theses" until December 2nd 2010.
Comments can be sent to ejouren@sub.su.se.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 13:59 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: e-böcker, testdatabaser, ämnesövergripande
8 november 2010
New collection of Sage Handbooks
Stockholm University now has access to an additional 30 SAGE Handbooks within the social sciences and the humanities.
For the full collection, visit:
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 16:08 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: humaniora, samhällsvetenskap, uppslagsverk
4 november 2010
New trial: Oxford Bibliographies Online
OBO offers scholarly bibliographic guidance across the humanities and social sciences. It contains narrative guides and bibliographies to different subject areas. In each subject module, leading scholars have produced a literary guide to the most important and significant sources in an area of study they know best.
New subject modules are added each year. Coming subject areas 2011 include medieval studies, international relations, communication, education, music, political science, public health, linguistics, and more.
The library has a test until the 31 October 2011.
Comments can be sent to ejouren@sub.su.se.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 10:44 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: bibliographies, humaniora, samhällsvetenskap, testdatabaser
2 november 2010
Test: Retriever Business (Bolagsinfo)
Stockholms universitetsbibliotek testar Retriver Business (Bolagsinfo) fram till 21 dec. I Business kan man söka bland Sveriges samtliga ca. 1,4 miljoner företag och dess olika bolagsformer.
Lösenord efterfrågas hos ejouren@sub.su.se.
Kommentarer kan lämnas till ejouren@sub.su.se.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 13:32 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: samhällsvetenskap, testdatabaser
1 november 2010
New trial: Environmental Impact
Stockholm University Library has a trial to the database "Environmental Impact" between 01/11/2010 - 31/01/2011.
Information about the contents:
Environmental Impact is a comprehensive bibliographic information resource on climate change and other influences of humans on the biosphere. It also covers other aspects of man's damage to the environment such as pollution, deforestation, desertification and habitat loss.
Comments and feedback can be sent to: ejouren@sub.su.se
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 14:14 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, naturvetenskap, testdatabaser