30 september 2008

Test: Economic Statistics from the World Bank

The library subscribes to Wolrd Development Indicators from the World Bank. Now we also have a test subscription to several additional databases (see below) until Octover 31, 2008. Note that a password is required for these databases. Stockholm University students and researchers can contact ejouren@sub.su.se to get the password.

ADI - Africa Development Indicators - Contains over 1,000 indicators and time series from 1965 for 53 countries.

GDF Online - Global Development Finance - GDF Online offers external debt and financial flow data for the 136 countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt to the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System.

GEM - Global Economic Monitor - Provides analysis of current economic trends, economic, financial and commodity data indicators, an extensive database including growth and commodity forecasts and access to the iSimulate modeling platform.

25 september 2008

Test: Bolagsinformation via Mediearkivet

Till och med den sista oktober har vi tillgång till tjänsten bolagsinformation via Mediearkivet. Tjänsten innehåller information om bolag, koncerner och befattningshavare. Ni går som vanligt in på Mediearkivet. Ni ska då se en flik som heter Bolagsinfo högt upp på sidan. Klicka på den och ni kan börja söka i tjänsten.

16 september 2008

Test: Science Signaling

The library has a test subscription to the new journal Science Signaling until 19th of December.

From the publishers of Science, Science Signaling, formerly known as Science’s STKE, will add original peer-reviewed research articles starting September 2008. Each week the journal will publish leading-edge findings in cellular regulation.

Visit the journal at the following webpage: http://stke.sciencemag.org/

15 september 2008

Nya tidningar och tidskrifter i Mediearkivet

Mediearkivet utökar med nya källor:
Allt i hemmet
Allt om mat
Dala-Demokraten PDF 6 lokala editioner
Helsingborg CITY
Privata Affärer (tidigare enbart text. Nu som PDF)
Privata Affärer Placeringsguiden
ST Tidningen
Veckans Affärer
Vi Föräldrar
Vi Föräldrar Gravid

12 september 2008

Who´s who and Who was who

Free trial of Who´s who and Who was who till 30.11.2008 containing 33,000 entries from the latest edition of Who's Who and Nearly 90,000 entries from every volume of Who Was Who. You can find them in the database list.

Free trial of Music Oxford Scholarship Online

33 books in music are now available till the 30 Nov. via Oxford Scholarship Online. Abstracts and keywords are available at book and chapter level alongside journals’ abstracts.

Test: Oxford Reports on International Law

The library currently subscribes to Internationa Law in Domestic Reports which is available as a part of the database Oxford Reports on International Law. We also have a test subscription until October 8th to the remaining sections of the Oxford Reports database including International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law. You can help us evaluate this resource by using the database and leaving your comments.

SciFinder - web version

SciFinder is the electronic version of chemical abstracts and is produced by CAS (Chemical Abstract Service). Users can search through over 10000 journals along with patent references and substance information for over 37 million substances.

The database is unusual in that it requires users to have an individual account assigned to them. To get a username and password, Stockholm University students and researchers can send an e-mail to ejouren@sub.su.se with name, e-mail (must be an su e-mail adress) and university department.

We have two version of SciFinder, one web-based and one through a locally installed program. The university has a total of six simultaneous total users allowed. Since we are just started to use the web-based version there is currently a maximum of one user at a time through the web. As more researchers start to use the web version, we will increase the maximum number of simultaneouse users available in the online version and decrease the number available through the locally installed program.

7 september 2008

ScienceDirect introduces Document Download Manager

Document Download Manager makes it easier and faster to download articles from ScienceDirect (Elsevier journals).

Until recently, when you wanted to download multiple articles, you had to do them one at a time. With the Document Download Manager it became much easier and faster to download articles.

With Document Download Manager you can download up to 20 PDF files in one go. Default options are available for re-naming PDF files, but users can also create their own file-naming conventions. You can also specify which location / folder the Download Manager saves the files.

5 september 2008

Zeteo satsar på äldre propositioner

Zeteo är en databas inom juridik som biblioteket prenumererar på. Här kommer information från deras senaste nyhetsbrev:

"[Zeteo] arbetar som bäst med att inkludera 700-800 äldre men fortfarande relevant propositioner. Det rör sig om material från tiden före 1992/93 och ända tillbaka till propositionen till Avtalslagen, daterad 1915....När projektet är avslutat kommer Zeteo att täcka in samtliga propositioner mellan idag och 1992/93. Äldre propositioner kommer att vara ett urval, men ett omfattande och så relevant sådant som möjligt."

4 september 2008

Test: GeoBase and GeoRef via Engineering Village

The library has a test subscription until 081003 to GeoRef and GeoBase via the Engineering Village interface. You can help us evaluate this resource by trying it out and leaving your comments.

GeoBase is a multidisciplinary database of indexed research literature on the earth sciences, including geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy sources, pollution, waste management and nature conservation.

The GeoRef database, established by the American Geological Institute in 1966, provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. The database contains over 2.9 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses.

3 september 2008

E-book Collections

Students and researchers at Stockholm University have access to thousands of E-books.

See more: http://www.sub.su.se/startasok/e-bocker.aspx?locale=EN

1 september 2008

Konferens: Mötesplats Open Access 2008

Utvecklingsprogrammet OpenAccess.se och Stockholms universitetsbibliotek inbjuder till Mötesplats Open Access 2008! Datum: 1-2 oktober 2008.

Konferensen vänder sig till alla som arbetar med att tillgängliggöra högskolornas vetenskapliga och pedagogiska publicering, i form av fulltextarkiv, publiceringsdatabaser, e-tidskrifter, digitala lärresurser etc.

Mer information och anmälan finns på följande sida: http://www.kb.se/om/projekt/openaccess/seminarie-konferens/Motesplats-Open-Access-2008/