The library subscribes to Wolrd Development Indicators from the World Bank. Now we also have a test subscription to several additional databases (see below) until Octover 31, 2008. Note that a password is required for these databases. Stockholm University students and researchers can contact to get the password.
ADI - Africa Development Indicators - Contains over 1,000 indicators and time series from 1965 for 53 countries.
GDF Online - Global Development Finance - GDF Online offers external debt and financial flow data for the 136 countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt to the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System.
GEM - Global Economic Monitor - Provides analysis of current economic trends, economic, financial and commodity data indicators, an extensive database including growth and commodity forecasts and access to the iSimulate modeling platform.
30 september 2008
Test: Economic Statistics from the World Bank
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Kategorier: samhällsvetenskap, testdatabaser
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