30 september 2008

Test: Economic Statistics from the World Bank

The library subscribes to Wolrd Development Indicators from the World Bank. Now we also have a test subscription to several additional databases (see below) until Octover 31, 2008. Note that a password is required for these databases. Stockholm University students and researchers can contact ejouren@sub.su.se to get the password.

ADI - Africa Development Indicators - Contains over 1,000 indicators and time series from 1965 for 53 countries.

GDF Online - Global Development Finance - GDF Online offers external debt and financial flow data for the 136 countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt to the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System.

GEM - Global Economic Monitor - Provides analysis of current economic trends, economic, financial and commodity data indicators, an extensive database including growth and commodity forecasts and access to the iSimulate modeling platform.

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