The new offering provides a fully integrated web platform
Heavy use of article figures to make the core content more accessible. For example a thumbnail viewer lets end-users flip through all the figures in an article at the TOC level.
Better search and browsing with search result filters.
Better Full text articles, including a figure browser, in-line reference displays, related articles, and as soon as publishable articles; aiding reader comprehension and content discovery.
Better author resources.
Ability to search supplementary material - supplementary material such as Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint files, other text or PDF files, etc are indexed for searching.
Social Bookmarking links are provided so end users can post articles on social networking sites such as Connotea, Delicious, Facebook, etc.
2 december 2008
American Chemical Society launches new platform
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Kategorier: databaser, naturvetenskap, nyheter
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