Stockholm University now has access to all journals in Kluwer Law from 2009.
Visit for a complete list of journals.
17 februari 2009
New database: Kluwer Law
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 13:28 0 kommentarer
Test: Orbis (company financials) and Zephyr (M&A)
The library has a trial subscription to two business databases until March 31. Orbis is a global database with both public and private company financials. Zephyr covers merger & acquisition and private equity deals.
Important note: Both databases require a password! Students and researchers at Stockholm University can write to to request access. Also, the databases use "pop-ups" so if you have a pop-up blocker you have to deactivate it for the databases to work properly.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 08:42 0 kommentarer
13 februari 2009
Nytt: Law, Music och Social work collection Oxford Scholarship Online
Stockholm University Library has access to all content in the new subject collections Law, Music and Social Work in Oxford Scholarship Online. Visit the webbpage at and choose subject in the left menu.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 13:08 0 kommentarer
New: Journal collections from Springer
Stockholm University has now access to all content in the following journal collections from Springer:
Behavioral science
Biomedical & Life Science
Business & Economics
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science
Earth & Environmental
Humanities, Social Science & Law
Physics & Astronomy
Visit for more information about the journals. They are also included in the list of e-journals found at
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 10:10 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: e-tidskrifter, nya e-resurser, nyheter
Test: Investment Claims Database
Investment Claims is a database produced by Oxford University Press. It covers materials and analysis in the field of international investment law and arbitration. The university has a trial subscription that ends on March 9th.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 08:43 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: juridik, testdatabaser
12 februari 2009
New: Elsevier backfiles on ScienceDirect
Stockholm University now has access to all content - from volume 1 - in the following journal collections from Elsevier on the ScienceDirect platform:
Agricultural & Biological Sciences
Business Management and Accounting
Cell Press
Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Environmental Science
High Energy Nuclear Physics and Astronomy
Organic Chemistry
Social Science
Visit for a complete list of journals. They are also included in the list of e-journals found at
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 15:56 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: e-tidskrifter, nya e-resurser, nyheter
9 februari 2009
Training in the new version of SciFinder: e-seminars
Explore New Enhancements in the Web Version of SciFinder®.
These open sessions provide users with hands-on experience navigating the new web interface of SciFinder.
Learn from your desktop or gather your colleagues and share the e-Seminar demonstration in an auditorium or meeting room. It is possible to submit questions at any time during the e-Seminar.
To view the schedule and to register, visit: After you register, you will receive an e-mail confirmation containing the teleconference phone numbers.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 09:40 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databasdemonstrationer, naturvetenskap
5 februari 2009
Test: New subject collections in Oxford Scholarship Online
Stockholm University Library has access to all content in the new subject collections Law, Music and Social Work in Oxford Scholarship Online until the 20th of February.
Visit the webbpage at and choose subject in the left menu.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 09:29 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: testdatabaser
4 februari 2009
New metrics and functionality in Journal Citation Reports
Enhancements in Journal Citation Reports
- Five-Year Impact Factor – Gives a broader range of citation activity for a more informative snapshot over time. For journals in subjects where citation activity continues to rise through several years, this allows more of their total citation activity to be included in a critical performance metric.
- Eigenfactor™, also a five-year metric, is designed to reflect the prestige and citation influence of journals by considering scholarly literature as a network of journal-to-journal relationships.
- Graphic Displays of Impact Factor “Box Plots” – A graphic interpretation of how a journal ranks in different categories.
- Rank-in-Category Tables for Journals Covering Multiple Disciplines – Allows a journal to be seen in the context of multiple categories at a glance rather than only a single one.
- Journal “Self Citations” – An analysis of journal self citations and their contribution to the Journal Impact Factor calculation.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 13:44 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, nyheter, ämnesövergripande
Enhancements in ISI Web of Science
In the current release, February 2009, of Web of Science you can search the new Funding Agency, Grant Number and Editor search fields. You can also install Install a new Firefox 3 plug-in with EndNote® Web. Read more
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 11:05 0 kommentarer
New database: Oxford Classical Dictionary
The Oxford Classical Dictionary is the online version of the most recent edition of the printed dictionary. The dictionary covers Greek and Roman history, literature, myth, religion, linguistics, philosophy, law, science, art and archaeology, and topics in near eastern studies and late antiquity.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 07:37 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, e-böcker, nya e-resurser