4 februari 2009

New metrics and functionality in Journal Citation Reports

Enhancements in Journal Citation Reports

  • Five-Year Impact Factor – Gives a broader range of citation activity for a more informative snapshot over time. For journals in subjects where citation activity continues to rise through several years, this allows more of their total citation activity to be included in a critical performance metric.

  • Eigenfactor™, also a five-year metric, is designed to reflect the prestige and citation influence of journals by considering scholarly literature as a network of journal-to-journal relationships.

  • Graphic Displays of Impact Factor “Box Plots” – A graphic interpretation of how a journal ranks in different categories.

  • Rank-in-Category Tables for Journals Covering Multiple Disciplines – Allows a journal to be seen in the context of multiple categories at a glance rather than only a single one.

  • Journal “Self Citations” – An analysis of journal self citations and their contribution to the Journal Impact Factor calculation.

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