The database National Socialism, Holocaust, Resistance and Exile 1933-1945" opens the series "20th Century German History Online". For this database fundamental primary sources on the National Socialist state and the NSDAP, Nazi ideology and propaganda, National Socialist justice and legislation, on resistance and persecution, and annihilation and expulsion in the "Third Reich" have been compiled and digitised. Basis of the database are primary source editions published by K. G. Saur Verlag on microfiche or in print, licensed source works from other publishers and previously unpublished material.
The library has a trial until the 1st of Dec.
30 september 2009
New trial: National Socialism, Holocaust, Resistance 1933-1945
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 14:51 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: humaniora, testdatabaser
29 september 2009
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon - Internationale Künstlerdatenbank
Die Online-Ausgabe der Internationalen Künstlerdatenbank enthält Informationen über Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart und aus allen Ländern der Welt. verzeichnet sind Maler, Graphiker, Bildhauer, Architekten, Designer, Fotografen, Schriftkünstler, Kunsthandwerker u.v.m. Die Datenbank wird ab Oktober 2009 erweitert mit Biographien im Volltext.
Lösenord efterfrågas i
Biblioteket har ett test till 31 Dec. 2009
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 16:23 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: humaniora, testdatabaser
New trial: Reference Global from Walter de Gruyter
Reference Global is an integrated online journals, books and reference site for de Gruyter scholarly content. All of de Gruyter’s journals are available on the new platform, including journals from the K.G. Saur and Max Niemeyer imprints which have not previously been available online. It also hosts the complete Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Sciences (HSK) series.
The library has a trial until the 31 Oct. 2009
Visit or access the database via
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 13:22 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: e-böcker, e-tidskrifter, testdatabaser, ämnesövergripande
New trial: Der literarische Expressionismus Online / German Literary Expressionism Online
Through the research database Der literarische Expressionismus Online / German Literary Expressionism Online 151 journals, yearbooks, collections and anthologies from the early 20th century with 2 404 issues are now available in full text. The individual journals, yearbooks, collections and anthologies, are presented online as facsimiles, with a variety of search possibilities providing easy access to the individual editions. The database also contains bio-bibliographical articles on the 350 Expressionist authors as an additional consultation function.
Biblioteket har ett test till 1 dec. 2009
Visit or access the database via
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 13:10 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: humaniora, testdatabaser
New trial:World Biographical Information System Online, WBIS
WBIS is based on the digitization of K. G. Saur's Biographical Archives. It compiles biographical articles from printed reference works published from the 16th to the 21st century, and reproduces these original documents as facsimile images on the screen.
The library has a trial until the 1st of Dec. 2009
Visit or access WBIS via
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 13:01 1 kommentarer
Kategorier: humaniora, testdatabaser, ämnesövergripande
22 september 2009
Ny juridisk tjänst: Dagens Juridik Plus
Dagens Juridik rapporterar ny lagstiftning och nya beslut från svenska domstolar och myndigheter. Stockholms universitet har nu en prenumeration på tjänsten Dagens Juridik Plus som ger tillgång till alla bakomliggande dokument som ligger till grund för artiklar och reportage i tidningen.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 09:24 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: e-tidskrifter, juridik, nya e-resurser
Ny databas: Blendow Lexnova
Stockholms universitetsbibliotek har förvärvat databasen Blendow Lexnova, som är en juridisk nyhetstjänst som täcker de prejudicerande domstolarna samt rapporterar rättsfall och beslut från andra domstolar och myndigheter. Stockholms universitet har tillgång till alla nyhetsartiklar, nyhetsarkiv, referatarkiv, lagboken, förarbeten samt expertkommentarerna.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 09:19 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, juridik, nya e-resurser
17 september 2009
ScienceDirect and Scopus 19th of September
ScienceDirect and Scopus will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance for approximately 13 hours from 11:00 Saturday, 19 September to 24:00
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 11:11 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: driftsinformation
New trial: Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact is an internet resource created in response to demand from the scientific community, policy makers and information specialists for a single comprehensive bibliographic information resource on climate change and other influences of humans on the biosphere. It also covers other aspects of man's damage to the environment such as pollution, deforestation, desertification and habitat loss.
Stockholm University Library has a trial until the 15th of October.
Access Environmental Impact via
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 08:46 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: naturvetenskap, testdatabaser
Scifinder enhancements
New SciFinder enhancements will be available via the web browser. These enhancements include new search, analytical, and collaboration tools.
Some of the new features include:
*Get similar reactions
*Limit reaction searches by select solvents
* Sort reaction answer sets (e.g., by number of steps, percentage yield,publication year, or similarity)
* Export physical property data to Microsoft Excel
* Tag references with helpful descriptive user-defined terms
* Add comments to references for sharing information and insights with colleagues
* Link to other SciFinder users within your research site to share both researchcomments and tagged references
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 08:08 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, naturvetenskap
15 september 2009
New trial: Reaxys
Reaxys is a web-based search and retrieval system for chemical compounds, bibliographic data and chemical reactions. It is built to support chemists in their daily work with relevant information in chemistry.
Reaxys is currently being developed by the team responsible for the introduction of CrossFire Beilstein.
Stockholm University Library has a trial until the 14th of October.
or access Reaxys via
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 12:37 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: naturvetenskap, testdatabaser
10 september 2009
Rättsbanken + PointLex = InfoTorg Juridik
Från och med september 2009 är Rättsbanken och PointLex en tjänst - InfoTorg Juridik.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 15:12 0 kommentarer
New trial: Major Reference Works in ScienceDirect
Stockholm University now has access to the following reference works titles in ScienceDirect:
· Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications
· Encyclopedia of Social Measurement
· International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
· Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, & Conflict (Second Edition)
· International Encyclopedia of Human Geography
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 12:28 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: databaser, e-böcker, nyheter, testdatabaser, uppslagsverk
4 september 2009
Oxford Reference Online unavailable due to maintenance
On Saturday 5 September some routine maintenance to the web servers on which Oxford Reference Online runs will be undertaken. The site will be down for up to an hour between 0700 and 0800 BST.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 16:41 0 kommentarer
Kategorier: driftsinformation
Nyheter i Karnov
I Karnov och Karnov Nyheter kommer alla domar publiceras i det skick de kommer ut från domstolen som pdf-filer. Rättsfallen kommer fortsättningsvis att vara fullt sökbara och länkade.
Karnov Nyheter utökas med fyra nya ämnesområden inom området skatt: Mervärdesskatt, Företagsbeskattning, Personbeskattning och Internationell skatterätt. Dessa nyheter kommer fortsättningsvis att klassas som Skatterätt.
Upplagd av ejouren kl. 14:21 0 kommentarer