29 september 2009

New trial: Der literarische Expressionismus Online / German Literary Expressionism Online

Through the research database Der literarische Expressionismus Online / German Literary Expressionism Online 151 journals, yearbooks, collections and anthologies from the early 20th century with 2 404 issues are now available in full text. The individual journals, yearbooks, collections and anthologies, are presented online as facsimiles, with a variety of search possibilities providing easy access to the individual editions. The database also contains bio-bibliographical articles on the 350 Expressionist authors as an additional consultation function.

Biblioteket har ett test till 1 dec. 2009

Visit http://db.saur.de/LEX/autologin?user=subsu or access the database via http://www.sub.su.se/startasok/databaser.aspx

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