3 september 2010

New trial: Berg Fashion Library

The Berg Fashion Library provides access to interdisciplinary and integrated text and image content on world dress and fashion. It covers all regions of the world, with in-depth content from pre-history to the present day contributed by internationally-renowned scholars. It includes:

  • 10-volume Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion
  • 60 additional e-books
  • 2 major fashion reference books from Berg: A-Z Fashion, Dictionary of Fashion of History
  • Major Statesment: statements by famous name in Fashion
  • Image bank: images from the print encyclopedia, V&A museum London and Metropolitan Museum of Art (NY) - the Costume institute
  • links to Berg journals for subscribers

Stockholm University has a trial until 13th October, 2010.

Visit: http://sub.su.se/opac/metalib.aspx#B or

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