18 december 2008

New journal from AIP: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

JRSE is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal in the field of renewable and sustainable energy. JRSE is freely available and will cover all areas of this diverse field, including:

Power distribution
Solar energy
Energy conversion
Wind energy
Geothermal energy
Energy efficient buildings
Nuclear energy
Marine and hydroelectric energy
Energy storage
Renewable energy resource assessment

17 december 2008

Test: Caselex

The library has a test subscription to the international case law database Caselex. We have access to the database from now until March 1, 2009. Caselex provides english language case digests of cases from national courts across the EU and the European Courts and covers the time period from 2000 up to the present.

The areas of law covered are:

  • Company law
  • Competition law
  • Consumer Protection law
  • Employment law
  • Environmental law
  • Freedom of Movement law
  • ICT and Media law
  • Intellectual Property law
  • Public procurement law
  • Social Security law

16 december 2008

Journal of Table of Contents Search

A free internet service, JTCS, has just been released which allows users to keep up to date on the latest research by subscribing to table of content feeds with links to articles from 11.000 journals.

The libraries largest databases, Scopus and EBSCO Multiple Database Search, both cover more journals and let users create alerts so in many cases they would do a better job of keeping researchers up to date on literature. However, JTCS provides a free alternative for anyone looking for a quick and simple way to get table of content updates on journals in their subject area.

8 december 2008

Test: GeoBase and GeoRef via Engineering Village

The library has a test subscription until 081231 to GeoRef and GeoBase via the Engineering Village interface. GeoBase is a multidisciplinary database of indexed research literature on the earth sciences, including geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy sources, pollution, waste management and nature conservation.The GeoRef database, established by the American Geological Institute in 1966, provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. The database contains over 2.9 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses.

Nya källor i PressText

Helsingborgs Dagblad
Östergötlands Folkblad
Artiklarna är sökbara i PressText fr.o.m. november 2008.

2 december 2008

American Chemical Society launches new platform

The new offering provides a fully integrated web platform

Heavy use of article figures to make the core content more accessible. For example a thumbnail viewer lets end-users flip through all the figures in an article at the TOC level.

Better search and browsing with search result filters.

Better Full text articles, including a figure browser, in-line reference displays, related articles, and as soon as publishable articles; aiding reader comprehension and content discovery.

Better author resources.

Ability to search supplementary material - supplementary material such as Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint files, other text or PDF files, etc are indexed for searching.

Social Bookmarking links are provided so end users can post articles on social networking sites such as Connotea, Delicious, Facebook, etc.

25 november 2008

TS Webbtjänst i nytt gränssnitt

TS webbtjänst har uppdaterat gränssnittet på tjänsten som erbjuder information om tryckta och digitala medier. Databasen innehåller all den information som finns i TS tryckta publikationer, dvs. Svensk Annonstaxa, Svensk Reklamtaxa, TS-boken och Dagspressens Detaljspridning.

SU varnar för försök att få tag i opublicerat forskningsmaterial

Avdelningen för It och Media på Stockholms universitet har fått en varning via SUNET-Cert om att ett antal universitet den senaste månaden fått en falsk inbjudan att skicka in forskningsmaterial för publicering. I de falska inbjudningarna har ett existerande förlag använts som lockbete för att få tag på opublicerat forskningmaterial och resultat.

Avsändaradressen i de uppmärksammade fallen ser ut som följande:
elsevierpublications49@gmail.com, elsevierpublications45@gmail.com,
elsevierpublications54@gmail.com etc. Den falska svarsadressen som anges är: elsevierjournals@live.co.uk

E-brevet som har skickats ut ser ut så här:


On behalf of all the Editors-in-chief of Elsevier Journals, we wish to communicate to you that we are currently accepting manuscripts in all Fields of human Endeavour. authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting recent developments in their fields. Papers submitted will be sorted out and published in any of our numerous journals that best fits. This is a special publication procedure which published works will be discussed at seminars (organized by Elsevier) at strategic cities all over the world. Please maximize this opportunity to showcase your research work to the world.

The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original research not published nor currently under review by other journals. Parallel submissions will not be accepted. Our goal is to inform authors about their paper(s) within one week of receipt. All submitted papers, if relevant to the theme and objectives of the
journal, will go through an external peer-review process. Submissions should include an abstract, 5-10 key words, the e-mail address of the corresponding author. The paper Length should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages including figures and references on 8.5 by 11 inch paper using at least 11 point font. Authors should select a category designation for their manuscripts (article, short communication,review, etc.).

Papers should be submitted electronically via email in Microsoft Word
or PDF attachments; and should Include a cover sheet containing
corresponding Author's name, Paper Title, affiliation, mailing address, phone, fax
number, email address etc. Would-be authors should send their manuscript to: elsevierjournals@live.co.uk

Kind Regards,

Rex Hammond (Prof.)

PS: Pls. show interest by mailing elsevierjournals@live.co.uk if your Manuscript is not ready but will be ready soon.

24 november 2008

Nyheter i Karnov

Nytt inför 2009 är att Karnov kommer att innehålla utökat material som tidigare låg i tillvalspaketet samt Karnov Nyheter. I och med att Karnov Nyheter inkluderas, tillkommer också en mängd nytt innehåll som SOU, avgöranden från Skatterättsnämnden, Patentbesvärsrätten, Tingsrätterna, Länsrätterna, Europadomstolen m m.

19 november 2008

Free trial access to the complete Royal Society Digital Journal Archive

The Stockholm University Library already has a limited subscription to the Royal Society Digital Archive but we now have a trial subscription that gives us access to the entire database, containing every paper every published in the Royal Society's journals dating back to 1665.

This trial subscription will last until February 1, 2009, after which we will go back to the limited subscription we had before.

18 november 2008

No renewal of PAIS and ASSIA in 2009

The Stockholm University Library's subscription to the databases Public Affairs International Service (PAIS) and Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA) will not be renewed for 2009. The free subscription that we have had to these databases is ending this year and as of now there are no plans for renewal.

14 november 2008

Driftavbrott ScienceDirect och Scopus 15 nov.

ScienceDirect and Scopus will be unavailable from 12.00 until 21.00 on Saturday, 15 November due to scheduled maintenance

10 november 2008

Academia.edu - social networking for researchers

Academia.edu is a new social networking site created by some researchers from Stanford and Oxford. It's worth a visit if you are a researcher interested in making connections with colleagues across the world. Visitors to the site can add their own profiles and the profiles are connected to each other by a user friendly tree diagram. Over 14.000 researchers have already created a profile, some noteable examples: Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking and Noam Chomsky.

29 oktober 2008

Driftavbrott Science Direct och Scopus 2 nov.

Scopus and ScienceDirect will be unavailable from 02.00 until 14.00 on Sunday, 2 November due to scheduled maintenance.

Online Training in Scopus, Science Direct, RSS and more

Scopus is the largest single database covering academic literature and Science Direct is the publisher Elsevier's full-text database. We have access to online training sessions for these databases as well as general topics such as RSS through the Elsevier Training Desk. For training in Scopus and Science Direct, click on "Product-Focused Training" in the left hand menu. From there you can access online tutorials, presentations as well as live sessions.

24 oktober 2008

Test: forskning.se och politiken.se

Biblioteket har fram till 081130 en provprenumeration på Forskning.se och Politiken.se.

Forskning.se är är en svensk databas som innehåller artiklar i samarbete med sex tidskrifter och SOM-institutet, ett nationellt register med avhandlingsabstracts samt uppsatser i fulltext.

Politiken.se är en obunden nättidning och databas med artiklar om politik, litteratur och samhällsforskning. Varje artikel länkar tillbaka till källan.

23 oktober 2008

Emerald EarlyCite

The concept of this service is to provide users with access to Emerald content before official publication. This allows for earlier dissemination of content, which will ensure earlier citation of articles. EarlyCite articles are fully peer-reviewed and made available online before they undergo the full sub-editing and page-proofing stages. Once the final copy of the article is ready for publication, it replaces the EarlyCite version. Every EarlyCite paper is assigned to an issue, which enables correct referencing.

22 oktober 2008

Ny Databas: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law

The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) is the updated online edition of the Encyclopedia of Public International Law published in print between 1991 and 2001 under the general editorship of Rudolf Bernhardt. The online database contains over 450 articles including over 120 that relate to judicial decisions and dispute settlement, and a set of articles covering the history of international law since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. More articles will be steadily added until nearly 1700 articles are made available by 2010.

16 oktober 2008

New content in Oxford Reference Online

The latest update to Oxford Reference Online includes the addition of four scholarly titles: Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The New Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians, The Grove Book of Operas, and The New Grove Book of Opera Singers as well as eleven new editions including the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.

Read more at: http://www.oxfordreference.com/pages/whatsnew

14 oktober 2008

Cambridge Histories Online

Cambridge Histories Online brings together over 250 volumes from the renowned Cambridge Histories series. The volumes are grouped into topics, making it quick and easy to search and browse through an array of historical subject areas. The extensive bibliographic referencing and other leading functionality, enhances usability and makes this resource ideal for any type of historical research. Contains over 250 volumes published since 1960, equating to around 196,000 pages of unrivalled scholarship Unique & dynamic content Covers over 15 different academic subjects

Trial subscription ending 081112

10 oktober 2008

New simple interface for EBSCO databases

We have switched over to a simpler search interface for EBSCO databases, but the advanced search is still available by clicking on the "advanced search" link directly under the search box.

We have serveral databases from the company EBSCO including EBSCO Multiple Database Search as well as several subject databases including Econlit, Eric and Communications and Mass Media Complete.

9 oktober 2008

ResearcherID - Giving researchers a unique identifier

Thomson Reuters (The producers of the Web of Science database) has a service entitled ResearcherID which they describe as follows:

"ResearcherID is a website where invited researchers can register for a unique researcher ID number. At this site, users can: Update their profile information; Build their publication list using Web of Science search services or uploading a file; Select to make their profile public or private. Registered as well as non-registered users can search the Researcher Registry to view profiles and find potential collaborators."

Researchers interested in getting their own ID number and profile can find more information at the FAQ section of the ResearcherID website.

30 september 2008

Test: Economic Statistics from the World Bank

The library subscribes to Wolrd Development Indicators from the World Bank. Now we also have a test subscription to several additional databases (see below) until Octover 31, 2008. Note that a password is required for these databases. Stockholm University students and researchers can contact ejouren@sub.su.se to get the password.

ADI - Africa Development Indicators - Contains over 1,000 indicators and time series from 1965 for 53 countries.

GDF Online - Global Development Finance - GDF Online offers external debt and financial flow data for the 136 countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt to the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System.

GEM - Global Economic Monitor - Provides analysis of current economic trends, economic, financial and commodity data indicators, an extensive database including growth and commodity forecasts and access to the iSimulate modeling platform.

25 september 2008

Test: Bolagsinformation via Mediearkivet

Till och med den sista oktober har vi tillgång till tjänsten bolagsinformation via Mediearkivet. Tjänsten innehåller information om bolag, koncerner och befattningshavare. Ni går som vanligt in på Mediearkivet. Ni ska då se en flik som heter Bolagsinfo högt upp på sidan. Klicka på den och ni kan börja söka i tjänsten.

16 september 2008

Test: Science Signaling

The library has a test subscription to the new journal Science Signaling until 19th of December.

From the publishers of Science, Science Signaling, formerly known as Science’s STKE, will add original peer-reviewed research articles starting September 2008. Each week the journal will publish leading-edge findings in cellular regulation.

Visit the journal at the following webpage: http://stke.sciencemag.org/

15 september 2008

Nya tidningar och tidskrifter i Mediearkivet

Mediearkivet utökar med nya källor:
Allt i hemmet
Allt om mat
Dala-Demokraten PDF 6 lokala editioner
Helsingborg CITY
Privata Affärer (tidigare enbart text. Nu som PDF)
Privata Affärer Placeringsguiden
ST Tidningen
Veckans Affärer
Vi Föräldrar
Vi Föräldrar Gravid

12 september 2008

Who´s who and Who was who

Free trial of Who´s who and Who was who till 30.11.2008 containing 33,000 entries from the latest edition of Who's Who and Nearly 90,000 entries from every volume of Who Was Who. You can find them in the database list.

Free trial of Music Oxford Scholarship Online

33 books in music are now available till the 30 Nov. via Oxford Scholarship Online. Abstracts and keywords are available at book and chapter level alongside journals’ abstracts.

Test: Oxford Reports on International Law

The library currently subscribes to Internationa Law in Domestic Reports which is available as a part of the database Oxford Reports on International Law. We also have a test subscription until October 8th to the remaining sections of the Oxford Reports database including International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law. You can help us evaluate this resource by using the database and leaving your comments.

SciFinder - web version

SciFinder is the electronic version of chemical abstracts and is produced by CAS (Chemical Abstract Service). Users can search through over 10000 journals along with patent references and substance information for over 37 million substances.

The database is unusual in that it requires users to have an individual account assigned to them. To get a username and password, Stockholm University students and researchers can send an e-mail to ejouren@sub.su.se with name, e-mail (must be an su e-mail adress) and university department.

We have two version of SciFinder, one web-based and one through a locally installed program. The university has a total of six simultaneous total users allowed. Since we are just started to use the web-based version there is currently a maximum of one user at a time through the web. As more researchers start to use the web version, we will increase the maximum number of simultaneouse users available in the online version and decrease the number available through the locally installed program.

7 september 2008

ScienceDirect introduces Document Download Manager

Document Download Manager makes it easier and faster to download articles from ScienceDirect (Elsevier journals).

Until recently, when you wanted to download multiple articles, you had to do them one at a time. With the Document Download Manager it became much easier and faster to download articles.

With Document Download Manager you can download up to 20 PDF files in one go. Default options are available for re-naming PDF files, but users can also create their own file-naming conventions. You can also specify which location / folder the Download Manager saves the files.

5 september 2008

Zeteo satsar på äldre propositioner

Zeteo är en databas inom juridik som biblioteket prenumererar på. Här kommer information från deras senaste nyhetsbrev:

"[Zeteo] arbetar som bäst med att inkludera 700-800 äldre men fortfarande relevant propositioner. Det rör sig om material från tiden före 1992/93 och ända tillbaka till propositionen till Avtalslagen, daterad 1915....När projektet är avslutat kommer Zeteo att täcka in samtliga propositioner mellan idag och 1992/93. Äldre propositioner kommer att vara ett urval, men ett omfattande och så relevant sådant som möjligt."

4 september 2008

Test: GeoBase and GeoRef via Engineering Village

The library has a test subscription until 081003 to GeoRef and GeoBase via the Engineering Village interface. You can help us evaluate this resource by trying it out and leaving your comments.

GeoBase is a multidisciplinary database of indexed research literature on the earth sciences, including geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy sources, pollution, waste management and nature conservation.

The GeoRef database, established by the American Geological Institute in 1966, provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. The database contains over 2.9 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses.

3 september 2008

E-book Collections

Students and researchers at Stockholm University have access to thousands of E-books.

See more: http://www.sub.su.se/startasok/e-bocker.aspx?locale=EN

1 september 2008

Konferens: Mötesplats Open Access 2008

Utvecklingsprogrammet OpenAccess.se och Stockholms universitetsbibliotek inbjuder till Mötesplats Open Access 2008! Datum: 1-2 oktober 2008.

Konferensen vänder sig till alla som arbetar med att tillgängliggöra högskolornas vetenskapliga och pedagogiska publicering, i form av fulltextarkiv, publiceringsdatabaser, e-tidskrifter, digitala lärresurser etc.

Mer information och anmälan finns på följande sida: http://www.kb.se/om/projekt/openaccess/seminarie-konferens/Motesplats-Open-Access-2008/

19 augusti 2008

Ny svensk-engelsk ordbok för högre utbildning

Högskoleverket har utvecklat en elektronisk svensk-engelsk ordbok med översättningar av ord, som är speciella för högskoleområdet eller har särskild betydelse när det gäller utbildning.

Ordboken är sökbar både från svenska och engelska. Vissa av begreppen innehåller även en definition eller en anmärkning på svenska. Ibland finns det länkar till andra källor.

7 augusti 2008

Test: vLex Global database

vLex Global is a broad legal database covering 90 countries. The database contains over 20 million documents including case law, government documents, books, journals and more. The database producer is based in Spain and works with publishers and law libraries around the world.

Stockholm University has access to this database via password until September 6, 2008. Students and researchers can write to ejouren@sub.su.se to ask for the username and password to vLex.

Hundreds of online encyclopedias and other reference books

Students and researchers at Stockholm University have access to over 700 online reference books. Click on the link to "uppslagsverk" from the first page of the library website and you will find a list of our most popular reference works such as Nationalencyclopedin and the Encyclopedia Britannica. At the bottom of the page is a breakdown of all 700 online reference books by subject. The page is currently available on the Swedish version of our website but an English version of the page is coming soon.

All of the online books are even available off-campus. When you click on one of the links from off-campus you will first come to a Stockholm University log-in screen.

21 juli 2008

Enhancements to Web of Science

Web of Science is one of our most frequently used databases for searching academic literature. We recently received the following information from the makers of web of science regarding enhancements to the database:

Citation Mapping: A beta version of a new visualization tool. Visualize citation relationships and understand the meaning of a cited reference search. Map citations by author, institution, country, subject, and more.

Additional All-Database search options: Now you can sort by Times Cited and search for specific addresses within an All-Database search, making this powerful feature even more flexible and convenient.

New 2007 Data for Journal Citation Reports: The new 2007 data provides the most current information available to determine a publication's impact and influence in the global research community.

More patent coverage: Derwent Innovation Index now provides more extensive coverage of Canadian patents.

Collaborate and share material easier with EndNoteWeb: Designate read/write access for shared EndNote Web folders. Link to the full text of articles directly from EndNote Web records.

Unique DOI number: View the DOI number in the full record and after export to bibliographic management tools.

10 juli 2008

International Law in Domestic Courts

International Law in Domestic Courts now part of a Oxford Reports on International Law.

Oxford Reports on International Law is a new modular service offering broad coverage of international case law from international courts and tribunals, domestic courts and ad hoc tribunals. The ILDC service will form one module of Oxford Reports on International Law, and will continue to be updated with the same regularity as before.

Cambridge Journals online New release

With the latest release of Cambridge Journals Online in June 2008, there have been a number of developments including:


Enhanced Search and Discoverability Features

See more http://journals.cambridge.org/action/stream?pageId=3716

25 juni 2008

New: Encyclopedia of Archaeology

New content in ScienceDirect. Direct link to the Encyclopedia of Archaeology:

19 juni 2008

New content in Oxford Reference Online

The latest update to Oxford Reference Online includes new and updated science-based content ranging from nursing to cosmology.
The new entry title is The Oxford Companion to Cosmology, and there is updated content in five new editions of Oxford dictionaries.
Read more at http://www.oxfordreference.com/pages/whatsnew.html

All content on Blackwell Synergy is merging into Wiley InterScience

On June 30th 2008, all Blackwell journal content—including all full-text HTML and PDF versions of articles from current issues, backfiles, and issues published online before print—will be incorporated into Wiley InterScience.
Blackwell Synergy will close on Friday June 27th and the migration will be completed by Monday June 30th. Over the weekend of June 28th and 29th, there will be a period when both Blackwell Synergy and Wiley InterScience will be unavailable.

After June 30th, Blackwell Synergy will no longer be available.

Grove Music Online will be Oxford Music Online

The old http://www.grovemusic.com/ site will cease to exist, and all customers will be automatically redirected to the new http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/

16 juni 2008

Web of Science coverage expanded

700 new regional journals have been added to Web of Science. The newly identified collection contains journals that typically target a regional rather than international audience by approaching subjects from a local perspective or focusing on particular topics of regional interest.
See more http://scientific.thomsonreuters.com/press/2008/8455931/

12 juni 2008

Ny förbättrad e-boksläsare från Adobe Digital Editions

Adobe har publicerat en ny version av programmet Digital Editions som används för att läsa e-böcker. Programmet har bl.a. följande nya egenskaper:

  • stöd för operativsystemet Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard
  • genom att registrera sig till Adobe ID (gratis) kan användaren läsa kopieringsskyddade e-böcker på fler än en dator
  • stöd för det nya EUPB-formatet
  • förbättrat stöd för PDF-böcker.

Läs mera och ladda ner en gratis uppdatering på adressen Adobe Digital Editions 1.5.

(ur Ellibs News)

11 juni 2008

New content in Oxford Scholarship online

A new subject module in Music has been added to the Oxford Scholarship Online website, as well as 159 new titles as part of the May 2008 content update.
For a list of new titles and round-up of features in all subjects visit the 'What's New' page at:

4 juni 2008

Samtliga digitaliserade kommentarer från Norstedts Juridik nu tillgängliga via Zeteo

Under slutet av förra året och början av 2008 digitaliserade Norstedts Juridik ett stort antal nya kommentarer som tidigare fanns i bok- eller pärmform: Norstedts gula bibliotek, Norstedts blå bibliotek och Laghandboksserien. Biblioteket har förvärvat samtliga kommentarer och de finns nu tillgängliga via plattformen Zeteo.

Online training: Introduction to ScienceDirect

ScienceDirect contains over 25% of the world's science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information and includes online eBooks, Reference Works, Handbooks, Book Series and a rich journal collection of over 2,500 titles. The online training session offers an overview of its content and capabilities In 45 minutes you will learn about:

  • ScienceDirect search options
  • Search refinements using filters
  • New functionalities (reference information, article evaluation and toolbox)
  • Creating alerts (Email and RSS alerts)
  • Collaborative Tools

Read more and register: http://mail.elsevier-alerts.com/go.asp?/bECU001/mXV86N8/uRM084/xMOIPN8

3 juni 2008

New database: Translation Studies Bibliography

We now have access to Translation Studies Bibliography. TSB is a searchable database of more than 14,000 annotated records. The bibliography is enhanced by a thesaurus and covers material related to transfer and mediation, intra- and interlingual translation, intercultural communication, adaptation, interpreting, localization, multimedia translation, language mediation, terminology and documentation

30 maj 2008

Datastream sägs up 31 dec

Universitetets prenumeration på databasen "Datastream" förnyas inte nästa år. Tillgången till Datastream upphör därmed från och med 1 januari 2009.
Lämna gärna kommentarer.

FAR Komplett - ändring i tillgänglighet

Från och med 30 maj är FAR Komplett endast tillgänglig på följande platser: huvudbiblioteket (gäller även trådlösa nätverket) och utanför campus (kräver ett SU konto). FAR Komplett är alltså inte längre tillgänglig på övriga SU datorer eller på FEK.

26 maj 2008

Test: New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online

The library has a trial subscription until June 9, 2008. You can help us evaluate this resource by trying it out and leaving your comments.

The online edition of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics contains the full text of the 8 volume print edition with over 1,850 articles. In addition, the online Dictionary incorporates quarterly additions and updates.

21 maj 2008

Ny Databas: Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History focuses on the role women have played throughout world history and includes over 650 biographies of influential women and over 600 topical articles covering topics such as geography and history, culture and society, organizations, movements, and gender studies.

19 maj 2008

Halvdagsseminarium om Elseviers produkter på Stockholms universitetsbibliotek 11 juni

The idea of the session is to provide users, admin staff and anyone with a stake in the Elsevier products a chance to see the latest developments, ask questions and provide feedback on anything Elsevier related. We are going to keep the sessions as informal and free from sales talk as possible, and have structured the morning so that you can attend the sessions that are most relevant to you. At the end of the final session we will provide a free lunch.

Date, location & time
Wednesday 11th June
Stockholm University Library (Stora växthuset)
09:00 - 11:45 with lunch from 11:45


09:00 - 09:15 - Introduction and usage overview for the area + intro to the quiz
09:15 - 10:00 - ScienceDirect, what's happened and where's it going + introduction to 2Collab
10:00 - 10:15 - Coffee break
10:15 - 11:00 - Scopus, the developments and how is it being used, with specific emphasis on research performance indicators.
11:00 - 11:30 - Return on Investment (ROI) study and summary
11:30 - 11:45 - Questions
11:45 - Lunch

Sandra Grijzenhout - Account Manager for the Nordic Countries.
Mervyn Bregonje - Product Sales Manager for the Nordic Countries
Chris James - Account Development Manager for Northern Europe and South Africa

Please register for the session using the link below:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:

Chris James
Account Development Manager - Northern Europe and South Africa
Elsevier B.V.
Tel: 0031 (0)20 485 3243
Mob: 0031 (0)6 1251 8416
Fax: 0031 (0)20 485 3042
Email: CD.James@Elsevier.com

12 maj 2008

Sök i uppslagsverk och ordböcker

Universitetsbiblioteket har en omfattande samling av uppslagsböcker i elektronisk form. Under länken Uppslagsböcker har du nu direkttillgång till Nationalencyklopedin och Encyclopedia Britannica, samt möjlighet att hitta hundratals andra uppslagsverk och ordböcker inom ett flertal ämnen och språk.

Distansåtkomst - tillfälligt avbrott

Tisdag den 13 maj kl.10:00-12:00 sker uppdatering av universitetsbibliotekets proxyserver. Det kan medföra störningar och korta avbrott i distansåtkomsten till vissa e-resurser.

30 april 2008

Ny databas: Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS)

The Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) is a UK data service providing access and support for an extensive range of key economic and social data, both quantitative and qualitative, spanning many disciplines and themes. Write to ejouren@sub.su.se and include your person number and indicate if you are a student, researcher or employee at Stockholm University.

Lösenord krävs. Skriv till ejouren@sub.su.se med en beskrivning av din tillhörighet (student vid SU, forskare vid SU, osv...) och ditt personnummer.

KluwerArbitration utökas med Investment Arbitration

Databasen KluwerArbitration har utökats med en helt ny sektion - Investment Arbitration - som innehåller följande:

  • The full text of almost 1700 Bilateral Investment Treaties
  • More than 20 Multilateral Investment Treaties
  • Investment related court decisions and awards
  • Plus the following authoritative publications:
* R. Doak Bishop, James Crawford and W. Michael Reisman, Foreign Investment Disputes: Cases, Materials and Commentary
* Charles H. Brower II, Jack J. Coe Jr. and William S Dodge, NAFTA Chapter Eleven Reports, Volume I: Primary Materials
* Norbert Horn and Stefan Kröll, Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes: Procedural and Substantive Legal Aspects
* Meg N. Kinnear, Andrea K. Bjorklund and John F.G. Hannaford, Investment Disputes under NAFTA: An Annotated Guide to NAFTA Chapter 11
* Lucy Reed, Jan Paulsson and Nigel Blackaby, A Guide to ICSID Arbitration
* Seymour J. Rubin, NAFTA and Investment
* M. Sornarajah, The Settlement of Foreign Investment Disputes
* Peter Wolfgang, Arbitration and Renegotiation of International Investment Agreements, 2nd ed.

29 april 2008

Demo av nya plattformen för Literature Resource Center samt The Economist Historical Archive

Databasen Literature Resource Center (med Scribner Writers Series och Twayne's Authors Series modules, LitFinder och MLA International Bibliography) har migrerat till en ny plattform.

Den 8 maj kl. 13-15 kommer en produktspecialist från Gale till Stockholms universitetsbibliotek för en demonstration av LRC samt arkivet till tidskriften The Economist.

För mer information och anmälan.

28 april 2008

Test: The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2003

Biblioteket har en provperiod på arkivet fram till 23 maj 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

The Economist Historical Archive contains the complete facsimile run of The Economist from 1843 to 2000 with editorial, advertising and tabular matter fully searchable.

What is covered in EHA?

  • Cover to cover from 1843 to 2000
  • News, analysis, commentary, editorials, statistics, demographics, letters to the editor, obituaries, and historical photographs
  • Special surveys and supplements on Countries and Industries
  • Renowned sections including 'Science and Technology'
  • Classified and display advertising profiling major companies, job opportunities etc


  • Detailed topic search, and hitterm highlighting
  • Searchable 'covers gallery'
  • Searchable financial data
  • Key economic indicators

Kommande driftsstörningar hos Royal Society of Chemistry

The RSC website at http://www.rsc.org/ will be unavailable as detailed below:

Access to all content is likely to be affected as follows

Monday 28th April – Journals search will be unavailable all day 9:00 – 18:00 (The website and all journals articles will be available)

Tuesday 6th May – Website unavailable from 10:00am – 18:00, FTP & AutoPDF will also be unavailable from 9:00 – 18:00.

Monday 12th May – Website Unavailable from 09.00am to 3.00pm.

25 april 2008

Test: Hague Academy Collected Courses Online

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 22 maj 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

The Hague Academy/Martinus Nijhoff Online is a collection of online courses in private international law and public international law from the Hague Academy of International Law. The courses are published in book form and the database contains over 300 volumes.

23 april 2008

Mediearkivet lanserar nytt gränssnitt

Nu lanseras nya Mediearkivet, med ny design, mer funktionalitet och bättre användarvänlighet. Från och med fredagen den 25:e april fås tillgång till det nya sökgränssnittet i den befintliga tjänsten. Läs mer om nya Mediearkivet på följande sida:


Där finns en kort manual med de nya funktionerna beskrivna, samt söktips och en medielista med de källor som ingår i Mediearkivet idag. Eventuella frågor eller synpunkter kan skickas till supportsverige@retriever.se

16 april 2008

Ny databas inom miljöområdet

Recently, EBSCO Publishing announced the release of GreenFILE, a bibliographic database of information about environmental concerns. This database is being made freely available at http://www.greeninfoonline.com/

GreenFILE indexes scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports. Drawing on the connection between the environment and disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology, GreenFILE serves as an informative resource. The database contains nearly 300,000 records, full text for selected titles and searchable cited references for more than 200 titles as well.

9 april 2008

RefWorks - ett program för referenshantering

Skapa en egen databas med de referenser du använder i din forskning och utbildning.

8 april 2008

Test: Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 01 maj 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History focuses on the role women have played throughout world history and includes over 650 biographies of influential women and over 600 topical articles covering topics such as geography and history, culture and society, organizations, movements, and gender studies. This encyclopedia is also searchable as part of a larger collection of 175 reference works in the database Oxford Reference Online.

3 april 2008

Ny databas: Teacher Reference Center

Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for more than 260 titles from the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals, and books. It covers key education topics such as Assessment, Continuing Education, Current Pedagogical Research, Curriculum Development, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Literacy Standards, Science & Mathematics, and more for K-12 Teachers & Librarians.

Systemhelg för Digitala kartbiblioteket

På grund av planerat tekniskt underhåll kommer Digitala Kartbiblioteket att vara stängt 12-13 april 2008. Databasen beräknas åter vara i drift den 14 april 2008.

JSTOR lanserar en ny plattform den 4:e april

The new JSTOR platform will be launched on Friday, April 4. The behind-the-scenes process for switching from the existing JSTOR to the new platform will begin around 7:00 a.m. The vast majority of users should experience no interruption or downtime. If you do have any difficulties, though, please contact support@jstor.org. A document describing features of the new platform is included in the JSTOR Sandbox http://sandbox.jstor.org/. The Sandbox also has links to tutorials and training materials focused on the new JSTOR interface.

31 mars 2008

Demo av Folke Bernadottesamlingarna

Torsdagen den 24 april kommer en representant från Folke Bernadotteakademin till universitetsbiblioteket och ger en grundlig genomgång av Folke Bernadottesamlingarna - dess innehåll, sökbarhet och relation till Personuppgiftslagen.

Databasen är ny på biblioteket och innehåller dokumentation från Sveriges deltagande i internationella fredsinsatser från 1956 och framåt.

Tid och plats: 2008-04-24, kl. 9.30-10.30, Stora Växthuset, Stockholms universitetsbibliotek


Till anmälningsformulär

26 mars 2008

Test: 200 e-tidskrifter från Inderscience

Inderscience is a publisher of high quality peer-reviewed international journals in the fields of engineering and technology, management and business administration, and energy, environment and sustainable development.
Inderscience has just published the first issue of its 200th title, International Journal of Services Sciences (http://www.inderscience.com/ijssci).
A 60 day free trial of all 200 journals is available for Ingenta users.

Test: Tillgång till samtliga tidskrifter från Royal Society of Chemistry

During April we have free online access to all RSC journal content published between 1997 and the present day.
Visit www.rsc.org/april_access for full details of this offer, including a list of all the journal titles that are available.

25 mars 2008

Fulltextarkivet till alla tidskrifter från förlaget Emerald!

Biblioteket prenumererar nu på tidskriftsarkivet från
Emerald. Det innebär att vi har tillgång till fulltexten till fler än 120 tidskrifter från första numret (1899-) fram till nu. Emerald förlägger akademiska tidskrifter inom framförallt företagsekonomiska ämnen som redovisning, organisation och management.

17 mars 2008

Biblioteket kommer att avsluta abonnemanget på databasen Europa World

Abonnemanget på databasen Europa World upphör 16/4. Vi har flera andra databaser som innehåller länderfakta, bland annat Landguiden, Nationalencyklopedin och Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

13 mars 2008

E-boksundersökning från Ebrary

Delta i Ebrary's Student E-book Survey som finns tillgänglig för deltagande fram till den 11 april 2008. Undersökningen tar ca 15-20 minuter och syftet är att fånga upp studenters åsikter om och förväntningar på e-böcker och andra elektroniska resurser.

Till undersökningen»

6 mars 2008

Test: Edinburgh University Press Journals Online

Edinburgh University Press Journals Online has been launched with free access until the end of March 2008. Visit EUP Journals Online to view tables of contents, abstracts and full-text of scholarly journal articles. Users can sign up and receive alerts when new content in particular fields of interest is uploaded to the site. The site can also be personalised - users can build their own library shelves of favourite EUP publications, manage citations and recommend articles to colleagues.

(Källa: UKSG Serials eNews)

4 mars 2008

Test: Biomedical and Life Sciences Collection (HST)

Henry Stewart Talks publishes seminar style audio visual talks presented by leading world experts. The Biomedical and Life Sciences collection contains over 700 seminar style talks.

  • Online talks specially commissioned and organized into comprehensiveseries that cover both the fundamentals and the latest advances
  • Eminent authorities of the highest standing in their respectivefields, gathered together, presenting the material in their ownpersonal styles
  • Collection is constantly updated and expanding to over 1,000 talks

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 18 april 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

3 mars 2008

Demonstration av Scopus 26 mars

Onsdagen den 26 mars kommer en representant från Elsevier till Stockholms universitetsbibliotek för att demonstrera Scopus, en abstract- och citeringsdatabas med bred täckning inom naturvetenskap, teknik, medicin och samhällsvetenskap.

Tid & plats: 2008-03-26, kl. 09:30-11, Stora Växthuset, Stockholms universitetsbibliotek

Välkommen med din anmälan

25 februari 2008

Ny databas: Folke Bernadottesamlingarna

Folke Bernadotteakademin bedriver sedan 2006 ett projekt som digitaliserar dokumentation från Sveriges deltagande i internationella fredsinsatser. Samtliga svenska fredsinsatser sedan 1956 inkluderas och materialet är tillgängligt kostnadsfritt i Folke Bernadottesamlingarna. Digitaliseringsarbetet planeras att vara avslutat under hösten 2009, och digitaliserat material kommer fortlöpande att inkluderas i samlingarna.

OBS! Databasen nås endast på campus.

Ny databas: Cairn

Fransk artikeldatabas. 150 tidskrifter inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. Vissa artiklar fritt tillgängliga i fulltext.

Ny databas: Persée

Fransk artikeldatabas. Innehåller backfiles från ansedda vetenskapliga tidskrifter inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.

21 februari 2008

Test: The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2003

The complete facsimile run of The Economist from 1843 to 2000 with editorial, advertising and tabular matter fully searchable.

What is covered in EHA?
* Cover to cover from 1843 to 2000
* News, analysis, commentary, editorials, statistics, demographics, letters to the editor, obituaries, and historical photographs
* Special surveys and supplements on Countries and Industries
* Renowned sections including 'Science and Technology'
* Classified and display advertising profiling major companies, job opportunities etc

* Detailed topic search, and hitterm highlighting
* Searchable 'covers gallery'
* Searchable financial data
* Key economic indicators post- 1983 are available in exportable format

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 28 mars 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

Nya Springer-titlar 2008

Följande länk leder till en förteckning över alla nya tidskrifter i databasen Springer Link 2008:


Nyheter från Project Muse

Browser search plugin
Project MUSE now offers a search plugin for your web browser. The MUSE search plugin adds Project MUSE to the list of search engines that are available in the search box in the upper right corner on your browser. When you add the Project MUSE search plugin, you may search MUSE any time your browser is open regardless of the web page you are viewing.

The Project MUSE search plugin can be added to any browser that supports Sherlock and OpenSearch Search Engine Plugins. Installation is easy and takes just a couple of seconds. To read about and install the Project MUSE search plugin, please go to http://muse.jhu.edu/content/ml/about/librarians/search_plugin.html

RSS Feeds
MUSE added a new feed: Upcoming Journals for 2008. This feed provides a list of all titles confirmed to join MUSE in 2008 with subsequent notification when each of the new titles first becomes available online. Recommend this feed to faculty and grad students who may want immediate notification when a particular title becomes available online in MUSE.

Read about and subscribe to MUSE RSS feeds at the MUSE RSS Syndication page: http://feeds.muse.jhu.edu/

10,000 links with MLA
The electronic version of the MLA International Bibliography now links to MUSE. Citations listed in the MLA International Bibliography now link to MUSE articles included in the approximately 200 MUSE journals covered by the Bibliography. The links include current as well as previous years' articles with over 10,000 links to MUSE articles created.

The linking between MLA and Project MUSE streamlines access to articles in MUSE from citations listed in the electronic version of the MLA International Bibliography, regardless of the platform used to access the Bibliography. For MUSE subscribers, the linking provides seamless access to the full text articles in MUSE from citations in the electronic International Bibliography.

2008 Title Information
For 2008, the following titles are confirmed for addition to the Standard Collection.

American Literary Realism

Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Classical World
The Eighteenth Century
ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance
Journal of Film and Video
Joyce Studies Annual (to be reactivated in 2008)
Renaissance Quarterly
The Scottish Historical Review
WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly

(källa: Muse e-news - Project MUSE e-Newsletter, Issue 3 - November 2007)

18 februari 2008

Test: PsycEXTRA

PsycEXTRA is a grey literature database. Grey literature is material written for professionals and disseminated outside of peer-reviewed journals. Documents include newsletters, magazines, newspapers, technical and annual reports, government reports, consumer brochures, and more.

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 13 mars 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

15 februari 2008

Test: Oxford Islamic Studies Online

The full text of Oxford's books and encyclopedias in Islamic Studies, including the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World (6 volumes, 2008), the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, and The Islamic World: Past and Present.

  • 2 versions of the Qur'an, complete with invaluable direct links to A Concordance of the Qur'an
  • 150 primary source documents plus an
  • extensive range of maps, charts and timelines
  • editorially-selected links to other websites make follow up research quick
  • learning resources are available to provide support for teachers

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 13 mars 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

8 februari 2008

Ny databas: International Law in Domestic Courts (ILDC)

ILDC covers the most important international law issues being decided in domestic courts around the world today. With legal experts in the field reporting on cases from over sixty-five jurisdictions, this online service highlights the full range of jurisprudence around the globe in a format that makes it easy to pinpoint specific legal issues and to compare how these issues have been dealt with in different jurisdictions.

Test: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences

"Spanning the entire spectrum of life sciences, The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS) features around 5,000 specially commissioned and peer-reviewed articles. The articles within ELS are written by leaders in the field to provide comprehensive and authoritative coverage of this subject area and are aimed at researchers, students and teachers alike. "

Biblioteket har en provperiod på uppslagsverket fram till 17 april 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

Test: New York Times via Proquest

Biblioteket har en testprenumeration på New York Times fram till 2008-02-28 via databasen Proquest Historical Newspapers.

Lämna gärna kommentar på testet.

Arbline flyttas till Arbetsmiljöhögskolan

Stockholms universitet har tecknat avtal med Arbetsmiljöhögskolan vid Lunds universitet för att överta driften av Arbline.

Läs mer

Ny databas: Brages pressarkiv

Finskt pressregister som omfattar ca 150.000 referenser ur finlandssvenska dagstidningar, bl.a. Hufvudstadsbladet och Vasabladet.

Ny databas: Global Grant

Databas med information om stiftelser, fonder och andra bidragsgivare från hela världen.

Ny databas: Lexis Nexis Academic

More than 5,800 full-text sources, including foreign and U.S. newspapers
(among them The New York Times), magazines and trade journals, broadcast transcripts,
company financial information, industry and market news, federal and state case law, law reviews, medical news and abstracts, state and country profiles, and more.

LexisNexis Academic offer information focused on the research
needs of students majoring in liberal arts, communications, journalism, business law,
political science, economics, pre-law and marketing, among other disciplines.

The LexisNexis Academic service offers a comprehensive set of legal content, with
quality news and business content, reference materials, the Shepard’s® Citation Service,
and several search features such as searching and sorting results by relevance.

Ny databas: Scopus

Scopus är en abstract- och citeringsdatabas med bred täckning inom naturvetenskap, teknik, medicin och samhällsvetenskap.

Scopus innehåller omkring:

* 15.000 "peer reviewed" tidskrifter från fler än 4.000 internationella förlag
* 33 miljoner abstracts
* 1000 Open Access-tidskrifter
* 386 miljoner webbkällor inklusive 21 miljoner patent

Mer information

7 februari 2008

Ny databas: CINAHL

CINAHL provides indexing for over 2,900 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains more than 1,000,000 records dating back to 1981. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association, CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.

Utökad tidskriftslista

Nu har e-tidskriftslistan på webbplatsen utökats med information om de tryckta tidskrifter som finns i bibliotekets samlingar. Oavsett om tidskriften finns som elektronisk resurs eller i tryckt form finns den numera i e-tidskriftslistan.