30 april 2008

Ny databas: Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS)

The Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) is a UK data service providing access and support for an extensive range of key economic and social data, both quantitative and qualitative, spanning many disciplines and themes. Write to ejouren@sub.su.se and include your person number and indicate if you are a student, researcher or employee at Stockholm University.

Lösenord krävs. Skriv till ejouren@sub.su.se med en beskrivning av din tillhörighet (student vid SU, forskare vid SU, osv...) och ditt personnummer.

KluwerArbitration utökas med Investment Arbitration

Databasen KluwerArbitration har utökats med en helt ny sektion - Investment Arbitration - som innehåller följande:

  • The full text of almost 1700 Bilateral Investment Treaties
  • More than 20 Multilateral Investment Treaties
  • Investment related court decisions and awards
  • Plus the following authoritative publications:
* R. Doak Bishop, James Crawford and W. Michael Reisman, Foreign Investment Disputes: Cases, Materials and Commentary
* Charles H. Brower II, Jack J. Coe Jr. and William S Dodge, NAFTA Chapter Eleven Reports, Volume I: Primary Materials
* Norbert Horn and Stefan Kröll, Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes: Procedural and Substantive Legal Aspects
* Meg N. Kinnear, Andrea K. Bjorklund and John F.G. Hannaford, Investment Disputes under NAFTA: An Annotated Guide to NAFTA Chapter 11
* Lucy Reed, Jan Paulsson and Nigel Blackaby, A Guide to ICSID Arbitration
* Seymour J. Rubin, NAFTA and Investment
* M. Sornarajah, The Settlement of Foreign Investment Disputes
* Peter Wolfgang, Arbitration and Renegotiation of International Investment Agreements, 2nd ed.

29 april 2008

Demo av nya plattformen för Literature Resource Center samt The Economist Historical Archive

Databasen Literature Resource Center (med Scribner Writers Series och Twayne's Authors Series modules, LitFinder och MLA International Bibliography) har migrerat till en ny plattform.

Den 8 maj kl. 13-15 kommer en produktspecialist från Gale till Stockholms universitetsbibliotek för en demonstration av LRC samt arkivet till tidskriften The Economist.

För mer information och anmälan.

28 april 2008

Test: The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2003

Biblioteket har en provperiod på arkivet fram till 23 maj 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

The Economist Historical Archive contains the complete facsimile run of The Economist from 1843 to 2000 with editorial, advertising and tabular matter fully searchable.

What is covered in EHA?

  • Cover to cover from 1843 to 2000
  • News, analysis, commentary, editorials, statistics, demographics, letters to the editor, obituaries, and historical photographs
  • Special surveys and supplements on Countries and Industries
  • Renowned sections including 'Science and Technology'
  • Classified and display advertising profiling major companies, job opportunities etc


  • Detailed topic search, and hitterm highlighting
  • Searchable 'covers gallery'
  • Searchable financial data
  • Key economic indicators

Kommande driftsstörningar hos Royal Society of Chemistry

The RSC website at http://www.rsc.org/ will be unavailable as detailed below:

Access to all content is likely to be affected as follows

Monday 28th April – Journals search will be unavailable all day 9:00 – 18:00 (The website and all journals articles will be available)

Tuesday 6th May – Website unavailable from 10:00am – 18:00, FTP & AutoPDF will also be unavailable from 9:00 – 18:00.

Monday 12th May – Website Unavailable from 09.00am to 3.00pm.

25 april 2008

Test: Hague Academy Collected Courses Online

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 22 maj 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.

The Hague Academy/Martinus Nijhoff Online is a collection of online courses in private international law and public international law from the Hague Academy of International Law. The courses are published in book form and the database contains over 300 volumes.

23 april 2008

Mediearkivet lanserar nytt gränssnitt

Nu lanseras nya Mediearkivet, med ny design, mer funktionalitet och bättre användarvänlighet. Från och med fredagen den 25:e april fås tillgång till det nya sökgränssnittet i den befintliga tjänsten. Läs mer om nya Mediearkivet på följande sida:


Där finns en kort manual med de nya funktionerna beskrivna, samt söktips och en medielista med de källor som ingår i Mediearkivet idag. Eventuella frågor eller synpunkter kan skickas till supportsverige@retriever.se

16 april 2008

Ny databas inom miljöområdet

Recently, EBSCO Publishing announced the release of GreenFILE, a bibliographic database of information about environmental concerns. This database is being made freely available at http://www.greeninfoonline.com/

GreenFILE indexes scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports. Drawing on the connection between the environment and disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology, GreenFILE serves as an informative resource. The database contains nearly 300,000 records, full text for selected titles and searchable cited references for more than 200 titles as well.

9 april 2008

RefWorks - ett program för referenshantering

Skapa en egen databas med de referenser du använder i din forskning och utbildning.

8 april 2008

Test: Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History

Biblioteket har en provperiod fram till 01 maj 2008. Lämna gärna kommentarer.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History focuses on the role women have played throughout world history and includes over 650 biographies of influential women and over 600 topical articles covering topics such as geography and history, culture and society, organizations, movements, and gender studies. This encyclopedia is also searchable as part of a larger collection of 175 reference works in the database Oxford Reference Online.

3 april 2008

Ny databas: Teacher Reference Center

Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for more than 260 titles from the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals, and books. It covers key education topics such as Assessment, Continuing Education, Current Pedagogical Research, Curriculum Development, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Literacy Standards, Science & Mathematics, and more for K-12 Teachers & Librarians.

Systemhelg för Digitala kartbiblioteket

På grund av planerat tekniskt underhåll kommer Digitala Kartbiblioteket att vara stängt 12-13 april 2008. Databasen beräknas åter vara i drift den 14 april 2008.

JSTOR lanserar en ny plattform den 4:e april

The new JSTOR platform will be launched on Friday, April 4. The behind-the-scenes process for switching from the existing JSTOR to the new platform will begin around 7:00 a.m. The vast majority of users should experience no interruption or downtime. If you do have any difficulties, though, please contact support@jstor.org. A document describing features of the new platform is included in the JSTOR Sandbox http://sandbox.jstor.org/. The Sandbox also has links to tutorials and training materials focused on the new JSTOR interface.