24 april 2009

Representant från Emerald besöker SUB

Marcio Santa Rosa från förlaget Emerald kommer för att visa databasen EMX samt informera om publicering i vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Presentationen är uppdelad i två delar med en paus i mitten.
Plats: Växthuset, Universitetsbiblioteket
Tid: Tisdagen den 28 april kl. 10-12

Välkommen med din anmälan!


News in ISI Web of Knowledege

New look and new tools for author promotion and collaboration -
visit http://isiwebofknowledge.com/news/upgrade/ for more information.

Nya bevakningsområden i Karnov Nyheter

Det är nu möjligt att bevaka nyheter inom områdena offentlig upphandling, konkurrensrätt, skiljedom och EU-rätt. Under "Mina inställningar" i Karnov Nyheter finns dessa nya alternativ.

Se "Karnov" i bibliotekets databaslista:


New titles and editions in Oxford Reference Online

Oxford Reference Online (ORO) has been updated with new titles and editions. New titles in ORO are:
• A Dictionary of Hinduism
• The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History
• The New Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors

The new editions in ORO are:
• A Dictionary of Physics
• The Concise Dictionary of Politics
• The Kings and Queens of Britain
• A Dictionary of Business and Management
• The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists
• A Dictionary of Psychology
• The Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions

Visit Oxford Reference Online in http://www.sub.su.se/startasok/databaser.aspx for more information.

20 april 2009

Test: Dagens Juridik Plus och Blendow Lexnova

Vill du testa databaserna Dagens Juridik Plus och Blendow Lexnova? Kontakta Sara Parmhed, sara.parmhed@sub.su.se, så får du som är student eller forskare vid Stockholms universitet ett test på databaserna fram till den 15 maj.

Re-design of the E-resource blog

From today, the 20th of April, the blog “E-resource news from Stockholm University Library”, has a new design. Feel free to leave a comment about the new look.

17 april 2009

Driftsavbrott Mediearkivet

Lördag 18/4-19/4 är Mediearkivet otillgängligt kl.10.00 till lördag eftermiddag (söndag vid behov) p g a serverbyte.

Integration between SciFinder and ACS platform

Since mid-March the ACS Publications web platform has provided four options, two of which are new, that link from individual articles directly to SciFinder answer sets:

“Get Substances from Article” links allow users to quickly retrieve the substances indexed for the ACS Publications article.
“Get Reactions from Article” links will enable users to quickly retrieve the reactions indexed for the ACS Publications article.
“SciFinder sign-in” link
“View Reference Detail” link

You will be asked to sign in to SciFinder with your username and password. If you don´t have any account please contact ejouren@sub.su.se to get a password to the web based version of SciFinder. Write to ejouren@sub.su.se with your name, e-mail address (must be an su adress) and department where you are a student/researcher.

8 april 2009

Driftsavbrott Informaworld

Informaworld will not be available during the following periods over the next few weeks due to essential maintenance work:

Friday 10th April 22.00 - Saturday 11th April 06:00am

Saturday 18th April from 02:00 - 10:00

3 april 2009

Driftavbrott: ScienceDirect och Scopus, 4 april

ScienceDirect and Scopus will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance for approximately 9 hours during the period from 23:00 to 08:00 starting on Saturday, 4 April.

2 april 2009

Test: Research Starters Education

Research Starters - Education are study and research guides designed specifically for advanced high school students, college students and selected graduate students. They consist of comprehensive, yet concise topic summary articles of about 3,000 words in length written by researchers, scholars and other subject matter experts. Topics parallel course offerings at major colleges and universities in the subject areas covered. These articles are designed to be starting points for students, providing them with topic overviews, definitions of relevant terms and concepts, detailed bibliographies, and importantly, links to top articles from the relevant EP database(s). Research Starters supplements textbooks and other materials with current and focused topic overviews, assisting students in undertaking their assignments and research successfully.

The library has a test until the 30 June 2009


Test: Research Starters - Business

Research Starters - Business are study and research guides designed specifically for advanced high school students, college students and selected graduate students. They consist of comprehensive, yet concise topic summary articles of about 3,000 words in length written by researchers, scholars and other subject matter experts. Topics parallel course offerings at major colleges and universities in the subject areas covered. These articles are designed to be starting points for students, providing them with topic overviews, definitions of relevant terms and concepts, detailed bibliographies, and importantly, links to top articles from the relevant EP database(s). Research Starters supplements textbooks and other materials with current and focused topic overviews, assisting students in undertaking their assignments and research successfully.

The library has a test until the 30 June 2009.

Ny samsökningstjänst: Sondera

Kungliga Bibioteket har lanserat samsökningstjänsten Sondera för arkiv, bibliotek, ljud och bild. I Sondera söker du samtidigt i bibliotekskatalogen LIBRIS, de svenska arkivens databas NAD och Svensk mediedatabas.


Dagens Juridik Plus och vLex Global

Onsdagen den 15 april kommer representanter från Blendow Group och vLex Global för att visa sina databaser. Demonstrationen av de juridiska databaserna Dagens Juridik Plus, Blendow Lexnova och vLex Global äger rum i Växthuset, Huvudbiblioteket, klockan 13-15. Här kommer länken till anmälningsformuläret:



Driftsavbrott Mediearkivet

Lördag 4/4 är Mediearkivet otillgängligt från kl. 10.00 - lördag natt (även söndag 5/4 vid behov) p g a serverbyte.