18 december 2008

New journal from AIP: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

JRSE is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal in the field of renewable and sustainable energy. JRSE is freely available and will cover all areas of this diverse field, including:

Power distribution
Solar energy
Energy conversion
Wind energy
Geothermal energy
Energy efficient buildings
Nuclear energy
Marine and hydroelectric energy
Energy storage
Renewable energy resource assessment

17 december 2008

Test: Caselex

The library has a test subscription to the international case law database Caselex. We have access to the database from now until March 1, 2009. Caselex provides english language case digests of cases from national courts across the EU and the European Courts and covers the time period from 2000 up to the present.

The areas of law covered are:

  • Company law
  • Competition law
  • Consumer Protection law
  • Employment law
  • Environmental law
  • Freedom of Movement law
  • ICT and Media law
  • Intellectual Property law
  • Public procurement law
  • Social Security law

16 december 2008

Journal of Table of Contents Search

A free internet service, JTCS, has just been released which allows users to keep up to date on the latest research by subscribing to table of content feeds with links to articles from 11.000 journals.

The libraries largest databases, Scopus and EBSCO Multiple Database Search, both cover more journals and let users create alerts so in many cases they would do a better job of keeping researchers up to date on literature. However, JTCS provides a free alternative for anyone looking for a quick and simple way to get table of content updates on journals in their subject area.

8 december 2008

Test: GeoBase and GeoRef via Engineering Village

The library has a test subscription until 081231 to GeoRef and GeoBase via the Engineering Village interface. GeoBase is a multidisciplinary database of indexed research literature on the earth sciences, including geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy sources, pollution, waste management and nature conservation.The GeoRef database, established by the American Geological Institute in 1966, provides access to the geoscience literature of the world. The database contains over 2.9 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses.

Nya källor i PressText

Helsingborgs Dagblad
Östergötlands Folkblad
Artiklarna är sökbara i PressText fr.o.m. november 2008.

2 december 2008

American Chemical Society launches new platform

The new offering provides a fully integrated web platform

Heavy use of article figures to make the core content more accessible. For example a thumbnail viewer lets end-users flip through all the figures in an article at the TOC level.

Better search and browsing with search result filters.

Better Full text articles, including a figure browser, in-line reference displays, related articles, and as soon as publishable articles; aiding reader comprehension and content discovery.

Better author resources.

Ability to search supplementary material - supplementary material such as Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint files, other text or PDF files, etc are indexed for searching.

Social Bookmarking links are provided so end users can post articles on social networking sites such as Connotea, Delicious, Facebook, etc.