30 mars 2011

Driftstopp i DiVA 31 mars

Den 31:a mars kommer DiVA:s maskinpark att uppgraderas med två nya webbservrar. Detta arbete kommer tyvärr att leda till ett totalt driftstopp för samtliga delar av DiVA i ca. 4 timmar. Arbetet påbörjas kl 14.00 och beräknas vara klart till 18.00.

16 mars 2011

New ProQuest platform replaces CSA Illumina

The CSA Illumina site and the old ProQuest platform have now been combined into a new ProQuest platform which allows searching of any combination of CSA databases and ProQuest databases.

The individual databases can still be searched on the CSA Illumina platform. In a few weeks, however, access to the Illumina platform will cease.

The library has migrated nearly 20 online databases to the new ProQuest platform.

The migrated databases include:

- Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA)
- ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
- Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I
- PsycINFO
- Social Services Abstracts
- Sociological Abstracts

These and other library databases can be accessed via the libraries' database list at http://www.sub.su.se/opac/metalib.aspx

11 mars 2011

New resources from Kluwer Law: IEL databases

Stockholm University Library has purchased two new databases from Kluwer Law International:
IEL Cyber Law
IEL Intellectual Property

For access, please visit:

4 mars 2011

New: Yearbook of International Organizations

The Yearbook of International Organizations provides extensive coverage of non-profit international organizations. It contains entries on 64 144 civil society organizations in 300 countries and territories, in every field of human endeavour.

Please visit http://www.sub.su.se/opac/metalib.aspx#Y

1 mars 2011

A-Z journal list will be down due to maintenance 6-7 pm.

Due to maintenance, the a-z journal list will be down from 6 pm, and will hopefully be up and running by 7 pm.

New: Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online

Stockholm University Library has purchased Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.
More information:

Access via: http://www.sub.su.se/opac/metalib.aspx#P