30 oktober 2009

Driftsavbrott: ScienceDirect, 1 Nov.

ScienceDirect will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance for approximately 9 hours from 2:00 Sunday, 1 November to 11:00

28 oktober 2009

New trial : Science translational medicine

Stockholm university has a trial of the new journal Science translational medicine published by AAAS/Science. The trial ends the 23rd of Dec. 2009.

26 oktober 2009

New: SciFinder training calendar

A new, interactive training calendar for the chemistry database SciFinder is now available.
The new calendar contains:

  • Upcoming training events
  • Types of training opportunities available
  • Descriptions of topics
  • Possibility to register for training events & to export information to your calendar


21 oktober 2009

New trial: 2 new collections in Oxford scholarship

Oxford scholarship has added two new collections, Neuroscience and Public health and epidemiology.

The collection Neuroscience contains titles on molecular and cellular, behavioral, developmental, and cognitive neuroscience, disorders of the nervous, sensory, motor, and autonomic systems, as well as on a full range of methods and techniques, behavioral neuroendocrinology, invertebrate neurobiology, and the history of neuroscience.

The collection Public Health and Epidemiology contains titles which discuss the development and assessment of public health issues that affect a diverse range of populations worldwide.

Stockholm university has a trial until the 31 Dec. 2009. Please contact ejouren@sub.su.se for URL and password.


Driftsavbrott DiVA 23/10

Fredagen den 23:e oktober kl 13:30 till 17:00 kommer publikationsdatabasen DiVA att ligga nere pga serverbyte.

14 oktober 2009

New trial: LION (Literature Online with MLA)

Literature Online is an online resource for the study and teaching of literature in English. It combines the texts of over 357,000 works of literature with resources of criticism and reference. LION enables searching across the two literary indexes MLA and the Annual Bibliography of Language and Literature (ABELL).

Stockholm University has a trial for LION until the 20th of November.
Contact ejouren@sub.su.se for URL and password.


New trial: ABELL (Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature)

The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL) is a reference work for English studies.The database contains more than 860,000 records, from 1892 through 2005. ABELL lists monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, collections of essays, and doctoral dissertations.

Stockholm University has a trial for ABELL until the 20th of November.
Contact ejouren@sub.su.se for URL and password.


1 oktober 2009

New trial: bX Recommender Service

Stockholm University Library has a trial for the new service bX, which generates recommendations based on article usage. bX will recommend scholarly articles within the same subject retrieved by other researchers when searching article databases where the SFX icon is active.

The library has a trial until 30th of October.